zombie hunter

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Previously Eve's P.O.V.

After I put the medicine and soup on the counter table, I went upstairs to surprise him. As I went upstairs, I heard moans coming from his room, i figure Hes moaning in his sleep because he always moans in his sleep. When I open the door, I was shocked to see him banging my best friend in his bed.

Now :

After I left his house. I cried in my car. When I had finished crying . I was just about to shut off my phone which was iPhone 16 plus when Boom called me.

After I connect his call to my radio in my car, I said " what ?"

" I know you're on your date but could you - bang.

I gaped when I heard a gun shot. I was just about to yell his name when the line went dead. I texted Fofo to send me Boom's location.

When I got to the Endride cemetery. I parked in the parking lot. When I got out my car which was 2014 blue jeep, I transformed into a Lycan to find Boomer.

Third P.O.V.

When Eve saw Boom getting up to attack the ghoul, she whistled to get the attention of the ghoul so that it's back was facing Boomer ( aka Boom)

When the ghoul was facing Eve and was about to attack Riker , Boom shot it.

When the ghoul screamed in pain, Eve used her claws and ripped his heart. The ghoul dropped dead because Eve was holding it's heart in her hands.

Boom came over and said " Thanks for saving my .... I ruin your date."

Eve aid " No, I caught him cheating. Now lets cash him for money." while picking up the ghouls body.

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