Chapter 4: Getting Caught

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"Five minutes till show time!" A stage worker informed the boys. They boys would go on, do half of their songs than Justin would go on and preform two songs then the boys would go on and do the other half.

Five minutes later the boys were out on the huge stage rocking out, doing what they loved.

When the concert finally was over the boys crashed not he dressing room couches.

"You guys did amazing!" Hope screeches. She had been jumping around and singing to every song that the boys sang. She listened to those boys more than she listened to me. That's a lot considering that she lived with me.

Hope walked over to Zayn and curled up in his lap.

"I'm going to take Hope back to the bus. She needs to get some sleep." I announce. Hope walked over to me and I picked her up.

"I'll walk you there." Justin offers. I give him a nod and he follows me out the back doors.

"So Annie is it?" He asks me. I give him a nod. "What brings you with your brother on tour?" Justin questions.

"Um well my parents had an accident.." I manage to say before my breath catches on the last couple words.

"It's ok I got you." Justin says with an understanding expression on his face. Was I that easy to read or did he already know? I wondered. I realized that I was crying and wiped away my tears before he could see.

"It's ok to cry you know." Justin whispered so Hope, that was walking in front if us wouldn't hear.

"I know, it just.... I want to be strong for Hope." I mutter. Justin was so easy to talk to, not like Liam was, but close.

When we got to the tour bus doors Hope walked in but Justin pulled me back. I saw the boys behind us.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Justin asks out if the blue. I was furious. I just met him and he has the guts to ask me out?

"Justin, I just met you." I state.

"Ya but I feel like we belong together." Justin exclaims. With that Liam stormed inside. What is with him lately?

"Justin as much as I would like to try, I wouldn't want anything to happen between us then still have to see you every day. I don't know if I could handle it. I don't really feel the connection. Sorry but I hope we can be friends" I explain. Justin was shocked.

"What never been rejected before?" Harry asks as he steps up behind him. He was trying to be funny but I so t think now was the best time. All Justin did was shake his head.

"Annie I'm sorry if I rushed things, it's just that you are really pretty and you make me want to smile. I would love to be friends." Justin croaks. I give him a hug before walking inside. Now to talk to Liam.

I find him in the back hangout room.

"Why did you get mad whenever I talked to Justin?" I questioned. I was confused as heck.

"I just don't want to see you broken." Liam lies. I can tell.

"Don't lie to me Liam. I'm like a human lie detecter." I joke. He laughs at my comment.

"I just don't like seeing people flirt with you, you are like a sister to me." Liam admits. Hearing that he just thought of me as his sister really hurt. I feel tears come to my eyes.

"Oh, well I'm going to go. See you later. " I managed to turn before the first tear slowly slips out if my eye. I walk out of the room and head to my bunk. I shut the curtain so that nobody could see me cry. Before I know it I'm fast asleep.

"Annie! Annie!" Hope whispered. I looked at her as her little head poked though the curtain.

"Yes, strawberry what do you need?" I mumbled as I started to sit up. Hope crawled next to me and sat.

"I was wondering what we are going to do today?" Hope screeched. I moaned. I just wanted to stay in bed. I felt funny, like I was sick or something.

"Umm I don't know, how about you go ask Zayn. He would love to tell you." I said mysteriously. Zayn hated to get up in the morning and I was almost positive that he wasn't up yet.

Hope hopped down and I slowly got up and put my hair into a braid.

"Annie? We are going to an interview around three ish so make sure that you and Hope are ready." Liam explained. I have him a nod before heading to the bathroom.

I felt like my life was falling apart like I had let everybody down. I glanced at the razor on the side of the bathtub. I had never self harmed. I thought it was wrong, but now I understood why people did it. I picked it up and pulled up my sleeve.

I slowly hovered it over my wrist. I didn't want to do this. I can't do this. And the minutes I decided this somebody knocked on the door. I froze as the door opened. It was Niall.

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