Chapter 24: Amends

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"She's fine, she got twelve stitches though" I said smiling at my brother lightly. He smiled back.

"Wait to go sport! You are so strong" Zayn said rubbing Hope's back. "Hey can I talk to you outside?" I asked glancing at Zayn, he nodded then followed me out.

"I'm so sorry for jumping to conclusions last night, I should've let you explain. I was just so pissed that you left us, only to go get drunk, it just frustrated me" I said looking at Zayn, waiting for a response.

"It's fine, I'd like to say I have an excuse for just leaving, but I don't. Something just came over me" Zayn said running a hand through his hair.

"Did you really even get a call?" I said quietly. Zayn nodded. "It was from management, wondering if we were on our 'sibling date'"

"Can we just forgive and forget?" I said. "Please, I promise I won't ever pull a stunt like that again" Zayn said wrapping his arms around me. I smiled before walking back into the room.

"We are all good to go, she just has to wear a hat over her stitches whenever we are in the sun" Liam said picking up Hope and setting her on the ground off the bed. I wrapped my arms around Liam.

"Let's have a date tonight" I said looking up at him with my arms still firmly around him. Liam smiled.

"How about takeout and cuddling?" I said causing Liam to chuckle. "If that's what you want babe" Liam said kissing the top of my head.

"Let's go mates" Harry said picking up Hope and walking out of the room. Liam grabbed my hand and led me out.

Paparazzi had crowded the outside, knowing that all members of one direction were present. We pushed our way through with the help of our bodyguards. I was shoved hard from one direction causing Liam to lose grip on my hand. He franticly turned around and pushed over to me.

"Love stay close" Liam said his big brown eyes and his voice full of worry. The big tour bus had been parked and we were trying to make our way to it. Once on,I took a look around, it was quite clean.

"Why does this bus actually smell good?" I said questioning the boys on the couch.

"Well you see, when Liam was a miserable wreck without you, he'd like to go on cleaning sprees. It was quite nice actually" Louis said smirking at Liam, who's side I was cuddled up to.

"Good to know, if I want something clean, all I have to do it leave" I said smiling. "I mean or you could just ask" Liam responded, kissing my lips. I smiled through the kiss.

"Are we going back to the house to pack?" I questioned. Niall nodded.

"We have one more night in the house, we leave at like 7:00am tomorrow morning" Niall said causing the other boys to groan.

Right then we pulled up to the house, I hopped right out and headed towards my bedroom. I went to my suitcase and pulled out everything I needed to shower, including my 'Pink' sweats from Victoria's Secret and Liam's black tee.

"Whatcha doing babe? I thought we were going to have a movie night?" Liam said pouting.

"We are, I smell bad tho" I said continuing to pack my suitcase, leaving out my necessities for the next day.

"Fine, but hurry. I'll call the take out place" Liam said walking out of the room.

I quickly turned on the hot shower and got in. Not five minutes later I hopped out and grabbed my towel.

"Damn" I said realizing that I had forgotten my panties. I opened the door. I didn't see Liam so I walked to my suitcase and bent over, being carful to keep everything covered.

"Babe, you have to put on clothes first" Liam said causing me to spin around. He was standing in the doorway with a smirk plastered on his face. His hair was wet and he had sweats on with a hoodie.

"I'm getting there Payne" I said making my way back to the bathroom. I shut the door and continued to get ready.

"Can I come in?" Liam said knocking on the door a little while later.

"Yeah" I said starting to braid my hair. Liam walked in shirtless causing my eyes to wander. He laughed.

"Stopppp" I whined, knowing he had caught me staring. He came and wrapped his arms around me.

"Where would the fun in that be?" He whispered into my ear. I watched my cheeks turn red in the mirror.

"I need to finish my hair" I said, almost done with the braid. That only made him hold on harder.

"Liam" I said trying not to smile. I only had a couple more twists.

"Annie" Liam said mocking me. I finally finished and turned around to face him.

"You're lucky I love you" I said, feeling his breath on my lips. "I know" he said before planting his lips on mine. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, I smirked not letting him in. He pinched my side lightly causing my mouth to open.

"Liam, mate" Louis said walking in on our make out session. I quickly pulled away and hid my face in Liam's arm.

"Yes" Liam said, adding a chuckle on the end.

"Uh, well I was suppose to tell you to bring your stuff and put it on the bus, minus the things you're going to need tomorrow" Louis said smirking at me. I turned back to Liam's arm.

"Okay mate, thanks" Liam said as Louis walked out.

"That was embarrassing" I said pulling away smiling. "For you maybe, I thought it was quite amusing" Liam said looking at my/ his shirt.

"Love, is that my shirt?" Liam said smirking. "Yep" I said smiling.

"What if that's one of my favorites?" Liam said smirking.

"Well then I will give it back to you when it stops smelling like you" I said kissing his cheek then walking to our room. I laid down on the bed and curled up. I was shivering.

"Are you cold love?" Liam said glancing at the bumps that had formed on my legs. I nodded. He went to the television, put on Batman, then joined me on the bed. He pulled me into his side as I laid my head on his chest so I could see the movie.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Liam said feeling how cold I was. I nodded pulling my self even closer to Liam. He put his hand on my forehead.

"I think you have a fever love" he said causing me to roll away from him. I started to shiver.

"Why'd you do that?" Liam said scooting closer to me.

"If I really do have a fever, I don't want to get you sick" I said getting up and grabbing a sweatshirt. Liam smirked, I glanced down to see that it was his.

"Come here" he said pulling me closer. "Li, I really don't want to get you sick" I said trying to move away. "Its okay love" Liam said rubbing my back.

"It's okay because I love you"

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