Chapter 7: Sibling Mayhem

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I glance around to see Hope barely keeping her eyes open.

"Come here Hope lets get you a bath and then put you to bed," I told her as she walked towards me and grabbed my hand.

"Are you going to need any help?" Zayn asked. I gave him a nod and he followed Hope and I to the bathroom.

Hope's bath went by quickly because she was so tired. After we dried her off and put her in her pjs we tucked her in.

"Goodnight Hope, I love you." I whispered and went back to join the boys.

"But we have to tell her," I heard Liam say as I reentered the room.

"Have I tell me what?" I questioned. The all turned and just stared at me.

"Nothing" They all said at the same time. I gave them a look and took a seat in between Niall and Liam.

"What are we going to do?" You asked them getting bored just sitting there.

"How about we watch Mama?" Louis suggests. Oh how I hated that movie so much. I always had night mares and couldn't sleep when I watched movies like that, but to my luck they all wanted to, joy!

Louis put the movie in and sat down, we weren't even ten minutes in when I jumped and buried my face into Liam's chest. He just laughed and put his arms around me. That's pretty much how it went the rest of the movie.

"I'm going to bed and going to try to forget everything that I just watched." I said matter-of-factly. The boys laughed and followed me to the bunks.

I was about to get in bed when I heard some call me to the kitchen. "Annie show me your wrists." Niall whispered so that no one would hear. I slowly pull up my sleeves. I hadn't done it since but they looked pretty bad.

"Annie they look awful, I'm thinking there infected." Niall whisper shouts.

"I know, I know, Im taking care of them. They will get better." I explain.

"They better, because if they get any worst I will have to tell the boys." Niall threatens. I give him a nod, and head back to bed.

"What was all that about?" Liam asked as me and Niall returned to the bunks.

"Nothing" I said nonchalantly hoping he would buy it. He must of because he dropped it.

I woke up to a scream. I jumped out of the bed to see what was going on. It was Hope and she wouldn't stop. I picked her up and tried to wake her up. She wasn't even close to waking up. I franticly opened the bus door to sit out side so I didn't wake the boys.

"No mommy stay with me, please I need you!" Hope screamed. She was really scaring me and I didn't know what to do. I pinched her but that didn't work either. I started to panic. My eyes got watery and I was shaking.

"Annie, what's wrong with Hope?" Liam asked as he came and sat next to me.

"I-I don't k-know. She just started screaming." I whimpered. He carefully took her from my arms and held her rocking her back and fourth. She started to calm down and not minutes later was back to her peacefully sleep.

I was still shaking and frightened at what I had just experienced when Liam got up and took Hope inside. I didn't really expect him to come back for me but he did. He sat really close to me and held me in his arms.

"Sh it's going to be ok. She is alright now." Liam cooed into my ear.

"How did you know what to do?" You asked him as he rocked you back and fourth.

"I have siblings who would have them every once and a while and my mom could never get them up only me and my dad could. It's kinda strange if you ask me." Liam explains.

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