Chapter 6: Clarifying

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I ran over to him and gave him a giant hug.

"I can't believe you are here!" I squealed. He hugged me back.

"It was Liam's idea. He said you were really sad and needed some one to hang out with that you had know for a while." Luke explained. I walked over to Liam and gave him a hug,

"Thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me." I whispered in to his ear. All he gave me was a smile in response.

"Luke how long are you staying?" I asked. He gave me a smirk.

"As long as you will have me, I'm taking all my classes online so I just take my lessons in the morning." Luke answered.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you!" I told him getting choked up.

"Trust me, I missed you just as much if not more." He whispered back. He grabbed my hand and walked me to the couch.

We sat there for a while just catching up, even though It had only been a week or so, I felt like I hadn't seen him in a year.

"Annie, want to go get some ice cream with me?" Luke asked. I have him a nod and looked to the boys for their permission.

"You can go but you have to be back by nine." Zayn said sternly. He had always been protective if me with boys.

"Ok, sounds good. We are just going to walk since its only a couple blocks away." I said as I put on a pair of sandals and walked over to Luke who was talking to Liam about something. They stopped as soon as I walked in.

"Ready beautiful?" Luke questioned. I gave him a nod and he grabbed my hand and we started to walk to the ice cream shop.

"So I heard about you and Justin," Luke said.

"What about me and him?" I responded.

"That you two are a a thing." Luke states. I stop and look at him. He stops and looks back at me.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask in disbelief. He looks away.

"No, yes,..... Maybe?" Luke says not quite sure what the right answer is.

"I told Justin that I didn't want to be another one if his 'girlfriends'. He was trying to flirt with me." I said with a laugh. He laughed too.

"Flirting with Annie Malik. Hmm he doesn't know you real well." Luke jokes. I hit him playfully on the arm.

He starts to walk to the ice cream shop again. When we get there, it looks really cozy. It has a mint green layer of paint with a white base. It has little couches all over with table all around them. Then there were tables with little stools all around them. There were couples there that were holding hands along with the family's who were laughing together.

I felt a pang of jealousy rush through my veins, Hope, Zayn, and I would never get to experience that again. Luke caught my eye and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Ok what flavor do you want?" Luke wonders. I look around all of the levers to see what favors there were.

"Wait let me guess, banana?" Luke guessed. I gave him a smile.

"You know me so well, ok let me guess for you, um rocky road?" I guess. I know I'm right. When we lived close together every Wednesday after we had a youth group thing at our church, he would take me to the local ice cream shop.

"How did you know?" Luke asked sarcastically. I respond by giving him a smile. We both step in line, when it's our turn to order Luke steps up.

"I would like a two cones one with banana and the other one with rocky road." Luke orders.

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