Chapter 30: Own Way

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"Annie, Hope has her school administration today" Harry cooed into my ear shaking my awake.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up slowly. I mumbled under my breath for him to let me get ready then got in the shower.

"Ready Hope?" I said grabbing my bag from the couch and my keys.

"Oh no you don't. No driving" Harry snapped. He was leaving tomorrow and he was set on no letting me do anything out of the ordinary.

"Fine" I complied as I hopped into the passengers seat.

When we arrived, Harry popped up his hood and we made our way to the office.

"Um hi. I'm here to register Hope Malik" I told the lady behind the front desk. She smiled at me and started typing on her keyboard.

"Oh yes! I have some paperwork for you, then we can give you a tour around the building" she said with a warm smile. She handed me a stack of papers and a pen.

"Harry you have to fill out half okay?" I joked handing him a pen.

About fifteen minutes later we had finished and were walking around the school. Hope was loving it.

"When do I start?" Hope squealed as I buckled her up in the car.

"Liam should come in late tomorrow night, so you will start Monday" I explained. She smiled happily.

"Harry, what times your flight tomorrow?"

"Um noonish, but I'm leaving earlier to say goodbye to May" Harry said, pulling out of the parking lot.

Harry and May had gone on two dates since my accident.

"Okay sounds like a plan" I said checking my phone. Liam had tried to call me, as well as Zayn.

I called Zayn first.

"How are you?" His voice filled my ears.

"I'm getting better" I replied.

"Good, that's great to hear" Zayn said, leaving an awkward pause in the conversation.

"Was there something you needed?" I said kindly. I heard a sigh from the other end of the phone.

"It's Perrie, she wants me to live with her down here" he said hesitantly. My voice caught in my throat.

"O-oh that's cool" I stuttered.

"I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you first" Zayn continued.

"Um sure" I said, still shocked from the initial question.

"I'm so glad you are okay with it!" Zayn said, being completely oblivious. We said our goodbyes as Harry pulled up to a park. Hope unbuckled and ran to the swings.

"Is everything okay love? Harry asked walking with me. I looked at the ground a fiddled with my fingers.

"Yeah, Zayn just wants to live with Perrie for a while" I said trying to hold in tears.

"I can't believe he would do that to you and Hope! Doesn't he care at all?" Harry said furiously. I kept my gaze on the ground.

"He does care, I just think his way of coping with the pain" I said trying to reassure my self.

"Well whatever it is, it's not okay. He should be here, supporting you and Hope. Taking her to school" Harry said lowering his voice, due to us approaching Hope. I gave him a weak smile before going to push her on the swing.

Tear slowly fell from my eyes, I missed my brother so much, I needed him so I didn't always have to be the adult. Harry noticed and gave me a weak smile. My phone buzzed so I motioned Harry to come take my place.

It was Liam. It was a simple "hey" but I needed to call him.

"Liam?" I said when the phone stopped ringing.

"Yes, babe are you okay?" He said, his voice filled with concern.

"I just needed to hear your voice" I said pushing back the lump in my throat the best I could.

"Where are you?" he questioned.

"Harry took Hope and I to a park like a minute from my apartment" I explained, my voice shaky. I was walking down the park's side walk and found a bench to sit down on.

"You want to tell me really why you are this upset?" Liam said carefully. Sobs started to rack my body. He cooed into my ear calming me down.

"Zayn wants to move in with Perrie, and it's really not a big deal, I should be happy for him" I whispered into the phone. Liam cursed under his breath on the phone.

"No, it is a big deal. Especially since you are upset about it. Zayn hasn't quite been him self since your parents died" Liam said frustrated with Zayn's actions.

"I really miss you" I whispered into the phone sadly.

"I miss you too, only a little bit longer" Liam said before saying goodbye.

I sat on the bench a little longer before making my way back to Hope and Harry.

"Ready to go home?" Harry questioned taking my hand in his for support. I nodded.

The ride home was quiet and short. I walked to the apartment door and unlocked it, I walked to the kitchen to smell dinner cooking. Then I saw Liam, my Liam.

I ran to him and gave him a hug.

"But I thought you weren't coming till tomorrow?" I said, my arms still wrapped firmly around him.

"Harry suggested coming a day early to surprise you" he said pulling back and giving me a kiss.

"Liam!" Hope screamed running to his arms. He scooped her up and spun her around.

"I missed you sweets" Liam said kissing her forehead.

"Harry" Liam said smiling and pulling his friend into a hug.

I was smiling harder than I had since before we left tour. Liam returned to me and pulled me into his side.

"Let's go talk in your room" I filled him to my room and laid down on the bed. He pulled me to him and I curled up in his arms.

"You okay?" He asked running his hands on my back.

"Yeah, I'm just so glad you are here" I said looking up at him and kissing his lips.

"You know that not what I'm talking about" Liam said. I sat up quickly.

"Please, I don't want to talk about it" I said starting to get off the bed. Liam quickly pulled me back to his side.

"I love you Annie" Liam said before kissing me firmly.

"Let's go see what Harry and Hope are up to" I said grabbing his hand and leaving my room. I ended up tripping. I busted out laughing at my clumsiness. Liam offered his hand to help me back up.

"Have a nice trip hun?" Liam smirked. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Ha, you are soooo funny" I said flipping onto the couch. Liam sat right on top of me.

"Uh Liam get up" I groaned trying to push him off.

"Are you calling me fat?" Liam joked kissing my forehead.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm calling you" I said poking him belly. He sat up and sat next to me.

"Harry, are you excited to see your family?" Liam asked running his hand through my hair. My head somehow got in his lap.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see my mum and Gemma. I've missed them so much" he said, his face lighting up. He was sitting with hope on another couch watching Frozen.

"I can't believe management made you do that!" Liam complained.

"I know man, I met a girl tho" he said blushing.

"Yeah, May. The girl that ran me over" I joked motioning to my cast.

"I'm actually leaving here in a little bit to spend the night there" Harry said.

"You decided just the morning wasn't good enough?" I joked throwing a pillow at him. He smiled, "never"

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