Chapter 18: Home

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As Zayn and I returned to the group, Liam came and hugged me once again before grabbing my luggage from me.

"We have a car waiting for us up front when we are ready" Liam said.

"I'm ready when you are" I say giving him a smile. We all started to walk out when fans and paparazzi. Liam's grip on me tightened but I shrugged it off

"Hope! Hope!" I screamed pushing through, Liam following right behind me grabbing my hand.

I finally caught site of her just looking around crying with cameras all around her. Liam pushed around me and grabbed her but not before yelling colorful words at the paparazzi around her. He held on to her and grabbed my hand leading us to the car.

"Annie I am so sorry, I lost her and I started searching but I couldn't find her" Harry said in a scramble. I just smiled.

"It's fine Harry it happens. Liam took care of it" I said patting him on the shoulder for reassurance. Hope crawled over me to sit on Harry's lap. I cuddle up to Liam who was sitting next to me.

"I've missed you so much" I whispered to the only guy I've thought about.

"I've missed you more love" Liam said kissing the top of my head. I smiled and cuddle closer. I felt him wrap his arms around me.

"How was your flight?" Zayn asked from the back.

"It was good, long though, Hope kept me busy" I said smiling at Hope, she just giggled.

"Yeah and Annie wouldn't stop taking about how excited she was to see Liam and finally" Hope started but was quickly interrupted by me.

"Hope I swear to God don't finish that sentence" I said leaning over to tickle her but strong arms pulled me back and tickled me instead.

"I think Hope should actually" Liam said poking me in the sides causing Hope to giggle uncontrollably. The black van finally pulled up to the house they were renting and I hopped over Liam and sprinted out of the car running towards the front door.

"I'm coming for you" Liam said sounding really close. I turned to look at him but tripped on a branch in front of me, and Liam being so close he fell on top of me.

"Ugh Liam you're fat" I joked enjoying this position a little to much. He pushed a piece of hair that was dangling in front of my eyes out of the way.

"Get her Li Li!" Hope was screaming from Harry's arms. The boys were unloading the car and taking the bags inside.

"Li we should go help" I whisper not wanting to move. He slowly sat up only to return kissing me full on. It shocked me but I kissed him back. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"Ew Annie, that was gross" Hope screamed as Harry was trying to cover her eyes.

"Let's keep it G my young lovers" Louis says in a posh accent. Liam laughed as he stood up grabbing my hand and pulling me up with him.

We walked to the house to go claim a room. The outside was very modern. It contained a wrap around porch and royal blue shutters.

"Why'd y'all get a house instead of just staying in a hotel?" I said knowing they didn't stay in one place more than once.

"We have a week left here but starting we had two. None of us wanted to stay on the bus or a hotel because we just wanted something that kinda felt like home" Liam said smiling at me.

Gosh, just him smiling made a blush spread across my pale cheeks. I had missed him so much.

"I'm going to take Hope upstairs to our room and get her changed" I say walking over to Harry and snatching my little sister from him.

"Okay love, hurry back though" Liam said giving me a cheeky smile. I grabbed Hopes hand and walking upstairs. I entered the room with our luggage outside of it and gasped. It was quite large and had stuff already in it. I quickly recognized it to be Liam's.

"When are you going to tell Li Li?" Hope questioned me as she walked to her suitcase and opened it.

"I don't know Hope, soon though. Very soon" I said giving her a pair of pajamas to change in to. She squealed as she put on her new Elsa nightgown. As soon as she was covered she ran down stairs screaming Harry's name. I giggled.

"Knock knock" Liam said as he entered. I smiled.

"So this is your room?" I asked him curiously as I made my way to the bathroom, he followed me.

"Yeah, I thought you could stay with me and Hope with Harry or Zayn, but if that's not okay I will sleep on the couch or something" Liam said watching my eyes for a reaction.

"No, no, everything's going to be fine" I say giving him a smile.

"Gosh I missed you and your smile" Liam said pulling me into his arms. I rested my chin on his shoulders. We stayed there for what felt like forever.

"I need to put sweats on so turn around" I say giving Liam a smile. He complied.

"So how are you doing?" Liam asked voice full of concern.

"Much, much better" I whisper walking towards him. He peeked around and walked me to sit on the bed.

"I have never been so happy to hear those words" Liam said glancing at my lips. I smiled, looking down so he couldn't see my blush.

"How's tour been?" I asked slipping my arms around his waist. He pulled me back as we laid down.

"Good," he said pausing to think a bit, "busy definitely. But good" Liam says kissing the top of my head.

"What made you want to come with us?" Liam asked me as I cuddled closer to him.

"Luke, he said that I was hiding from the one thing that I really wanted to do, the one thing that kept me going" I whispered remember the conversation vividly.

"And what was that?" Liam questioned as a blush appeared on my face.

"Zayn, the boys, you" I said getting quieter as I continued. "I just needed you, I didn't realize how much I was actually hurting my self by denying my feelings and constantly putting off a relationship." I finished sitting up. He sat up with me as I played with my hands.

"You know how I said the tour was going good?" I gave Liam a nod. "That was a huge lie, I can't sing one of our songs with out thinking about you. Were you safe? Were you happy? I had no idea, hints me calling you all the time. Zayn was sad, hints the drinking. Harry was sad that his 'little sis' wasn't with him." Liam said nervously looking at the floor. I sighed.

"I'm just glad I'm here with you" I say standing up and walking out of the room holding Liam's hand.

"Annnnnnniiiiieeeeeee" Hope whined running to me.

"Whhhhhhaaaaaatttt" I said mimicking her tone.

"Harry won't make me food" Hope said, I ignored her bad grammar.

"I'll make you something squirt." Liam said bending down to her level.

"What do you want?" He said giving her a smile.

"Ice cream Li, please?" Hope pleaded. Liam glanced at me for approval.

"Let's have something real first hun" I said in return.

"How about some Mac-n-Cheese?" Liam said picking her up and prancing towards the kitchen. Her sweet little giggles filled the house. I was finally happy.

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