Chapter 5: Just 'Little Sister'

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"Annie! What are you doing?" Niall screams as he walks over to me and takes the razor out of my hand. I couldn't move I was in shock. Was he going to tell the other boys?

"Why did you do this?" Niall asked. I glanced over to him. He looked heartbroken. His eyes were filled with tears.

"Please Niall, this was my first time." I whispered shyly.

"Annie what made you do this?" Niall questioned.

"There is just too much pressure. I can't deal with being a teenager and having to raise a five year old. I'm only seventeen. It just too much. I can't handle it." I rambled. I was bawling now, Niall had me wrapped up in his arms. I felt protected, loved, wanted. All these things that every girl wanted to feel and all Niall had to do was

Put me in his arms.

"Your beautiful you know that?" Niall stated. I blushed.

"No I'm not, your just saying that." I shot back. When people said that they didn't really mean it. It was just something people said to make people feel better about them selves." I explained.

"Oh but your wrong. Do you remember when we were over at you house saying good bye because Zayn had to go on tour with us? Well when you and Zayn went to go talk, the boys and I talked about how beautiful you were. I know Harry uses the word 'hot' a lot but this time he used beautiful, and when we asked him why he said beautiful instead if hot, he said that calling you hot didn't describe you like beautiful could." Niall told me. I was stunned. According to Zayn, it took a lot to get Harry to call a girl beautiful.

"I don't want to be here any more. I

don't want to let Hope and Zayn down." I sobbed.

"Annie you aren't a let down, but you would let them down if you were to keep on cutting yourself." Niall scolded. I felt so bad, not just that I got cut but because I was in so much pain.

"Annie, lets get you cleaned up, ok. Then we can go down stairs." Niall bargained. I nodded and he led me to the sink and started to clean my cuts. When he was done doing that, he took off his sweatshirt and handed it to me. I slipped it on and started to worry. What if he told the boys? They would think about me different for the rest if the time I lived with them.

"Niall, please don't tell the boys." I pleaded.

"I don't know Annie this is serious." Niall said. If he told Zayn I would be mortified.

"Please, I'm never going to door again. Every once in a while you can even check my arms. Whenever you want it can be a surprise, just please please please don't tell Zayn or ANY of the other boys." I begged. Niall finally gave in.

"Ok but I will check every day and you can't argue when I want to check." Niall reasoned. I nodded quickly. He took my hand and lead me back to the room where the boys were.

"You guys were in there for a while. What were you doing?" Zayn asked. I just shrugged.

"Nothing, just chatting" I said hoping that he wouldn't notice my voice shake. Liam looked up at me and gave me the "we'll talk later" look and then returned to his lunch. We must have been on there longer then I thought because it was already one.

"I'm going to go get ready." I announce as I walked to the bathroom. I showered and did my hair. Now all that was left was the dress. I didn't have any long sleeved dresses.

"Niall!" I screamed. Niall came in and sat next to me. I was in the bed room that attached to the bathroom. Nobody used it as a bedroom though it was more of a dressing room.

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