Chapter 3: Meeting Him

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When I finally unpacked for Hope and I, I laid on the couch hoping to get a nap in.

"Annie?" Hope screeches.

"Yes, Hope what do you need?" I answer slightly annoyed.

"I want to talk... About mom and dad." Whisper Hope. She walked over to me and sat by me.

"Ok" I stutter.

"What happens now? I want to grow up with a mom and a dad. People will think I'm different." Hope blabs and tears start to pool up in her eyes.

"Well you are going to live with us on the tour bus. I know it's going to be hard growing up with out a mom or dad, but you will have me and Zayn. Even Louis and the other boys." I explain. It hurt me to see her like this. I just wanted to tell her that her life would be hard and different and kids would thing she was different, but I didn't want to see her with a broken heart.

"I wish mom and dad hadn't of died." Hope whispers before starting to bawl.

I try to comfort her but I want to cry as well. Tears start to stream down my face. Hope didn't deserve this.

"Me too." I wanted to say more but that's all I could get out.

Hope started to calm down, then she slowly started to fall asleep. I picked her up and walked to the room where all the bunks were. The boys were in the same room playing video games. When they saw me the watched me put Hope in her bed and walk to the tour bus door.

We had stopped for the night so I sat on the steps. I started to cry. I couldn't handle seeing Hope like that. She was so broken. She was suppose to have parents, but now she will never have them. Just her brother and her sister.

"Annie?" Liam said as he opened the tour bus door and sat down next to me. He put his arm around me and pulled me next to him.

"What happened between you and Hope?" Liam asked.

"She was so broken. She wanted to know what happened after the tour. I didn't know what to tell her so I told her something that would make her feel better." I croaked. I started to cry even harder. I felt so bad for Hope. She was only five.

"Your am amazing big sister you know." Liam whispered.

"No... No I'm an awful sister" I admitted.

"Annie look at me." Liam said as he pulled my chin up so I would look at him.

"You sacrificed everything for her. I wouldn't of done that." Liam said.

"Your just trying to make me feel better. " I said shyly.

"No actually I thought about sugar coating it but I couldn't find a way to." Liam murmured.

"Whatever. It's just really hard. I never thought that anything like that would happen to our family." I whispered.

"No family deserves what you guys have been through." Liam said.

He got up and pulled me to my feet. He grabbed my hand and lead me back inside the bus.

"Annie you ok?" Zayn asked.

"Y-ya. It's just been a long day." I admitted.

"Ok," Zayn said as I started to walk off. "Wait Annie, I will always be there for you so if you ever need to talk I'm here." Zayn said seriously.

I gave him a nod and walked to the drawers and grabbed my pajamas.

When I finished changing I want to my bunk and snuggled up to my covers. I was asleep with in minutes.

"AHHHHH" Hope screamed. I jumped out of bed and went to her bunk. I picked her up and cradles her in my lap. None of the boys had woken up. Hard sleepers much.

"It was just a dream." I whispered in her ear. She was sweating like crazy. I laid her back down in her bunk. Harry lifted his head and looked at me. I gave him and ok sign and he went back to sleep. Hope cuddle up closer to me and slowly fell back to sleep.

In the morning Hope hopped out of bed and went to the kitchen. Hope was like a girl version of Niall. She is a human garbage disposal. I got out of bed and followed her into the kitchen. Liam, Louis, and Niall were sitting at the table and eating pancakes.

"Do you want some pancakes too Hope?" I asked her as I went to get the skillet out and the pancake batter. She gave me an excited nod before going to sit next to Niall at the table.

"I heard someone scream last night. What happened?" Louis asked as he stuffed another pancake into his mouth.

I turned to Hope and she was busy playing on Niall's phone.

"Hope had a nightmare." I whispered hoping Hope wouldn't hear. I didn't even know what the dream was about so I didn't want to embarrass her.

I finished the pancakes and put them on the table. Hope took some and I I took some.

"What are we doing today?" Hope asked. I didn't really want to do anything just have lazy day.

"We have to go to the Arena and practice for the concert tonight" Niall explained.

"I want to come!" Hope screeches.

"Of course you are coming we are not going to leave you here."Liam says looking at me. I swear that kid could read my mind sometimes.

"Is this the one Justin Bieber will start touring with you?" I ask. As soon as I say Justin Bieber Hope starts to fangirl.

"OH MY GOSH! JUSTIN BIEBER! I GET TO MEET HIM!" Hope screams. I cover my ears as the boy start to laugh.

""Yes you will get to meet him and after this concert he will be staying with us." Louis explained. The last thing I needed was another boy on the bus to play with my heart. I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the concert.


We had to go to the arena early because they had to run through there songs and do a sound check. Hope and I were backstage playing on our phones while they did a run through. Justin still hasn't shown up and Hope was getting impatient. Right on cue Justin walked through the doors.

"JUSTIN BIEBER!" Hope yells and runs and jumps on him. They both fall to the ground. I couldn't help but laugh.

'Oh are you going to just stand there and laugh or are you going to help me up?"Justin asked playfully. I walked over to him a peeled Hope off of his side.

"Annie, let go of me please!" Hope screeched.

"Do you promise to be calm?"I scolded her. She gave me a nod. I put her down and turned to Justin.

"I don't believe we have meet, I would've remembered a pretty face like yours." Justin said cheekily. I blushed then heard voices.

"Oh no he didn't!" Harry said in his gay voice. I turned around to see the boys talking about the cheesy pick up line that Justin had just said.

"Does wittle Justin have a crush on my wittle sister?" Zayn said in a baby voice. I was blushing like crazy now. Hope was squirming around by she still had a hold on my hand.

"I'm Annie, Zayns little sister." I told him as I picked up Hope so that she wouldn't go crazy.

"Well Annie you are beautiful. And I plan on making you mine." Justin states. I roll my eyes and see Liam's face scrunch in anger. What had his panties in a wad?

"Good luck with that." Harry says under his breath but loud enough so that everyone could hear. Justin gives me a wink.

"Annie, why is your face all red?" Hope asked. She still didn't know what a blush was.

"Now my young Hope, her face is all red because she is embarrassed that Justin thinks that way about her and she...." Louis started but I interrupted him.

"Ooookkkklkk Louis, she just wanted to know what a blush was no need to go into detail." I squealed. This was going to be an interesting tour.

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