Chapter 22: Inexcusable

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"I'm so sorry Annie, I didn't" Zayn started but was cut short when I interrupted him.

"You're sorry?" I said laughing at the end, "that's it? Because if i were you I would be hell of a lot more than just 'sorry'! You left us, in the sketchiest part of town, you didn't even know if I had any money on me!" I yelled tears clouding my vision.

"It was important!" Zayn yelled back stepping closer to me only to be pulled back by Louis.

"What was? What could possibly be more important than your only family you have left? You promised. You promised you'd stop drinking. Do you even realize that you hit your little sister? You slapped her dammit" I say tears streaming down my face. Zayn's face softens.

"It was an accident" Zayn's voice cracks.

"You know the worst part? I don't even know who you are anymore" I say pushing past the boys and walking out the door.

I needed to clear my head, I couldn't stay in there any longer. I trusted Liam to look after Hope while I wandered.

The property that this house was on was large. In the back yard there was an artificial river that led to a gazebo. I sat underneath that for a while then continued on. I found a bridge over an actual river and sat, my legs dangled off the edge. Yes, it was dark but nothing seemed more scary then seeing the boy who claims to be my brother again.

About an hour past when my phone rang, "Hello?" I said my voice shaky. "Babe?" Liam said his voice full of relief, "Where are you?"

"I'm in the backyard a ways back, I'm fine" I said, little emotion in my voice.

"I'm coming" Liam said as I heard rustling around.

"No, please. Just stay with Hope. Make her feel safe" I whisper into the phone. He sighs.

"But what about you? I'm suppose to make you feel safe" Liam said softly, "isn't it cold?" Liam questioned. I shivered at the comment. It wasn't exactly summer warm and I was in shorts and a tee.

"A little, trust me, I will be okay" I whisper unsurely. "Please just come back" Liam whispered desperately. It was my turn to sigh.

"Okay, I'll be about twenty minutes" I said hearing Liam release a breath. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I sat there for a little while longer before standing up.

The walk back was much longer than the walk there. I found my self stopping, wanting to run the opposite direction, but I couldn't do that to Hope. I was close enough to the house to see the light come through the windows. I could see four boys sitting on the couch with Hope asleep on Liam's lap.

I put my hand on the door knob and slowly turned. Everyone looked at me. I must've been a mess. I had been crying, so my makeup was probably all down my face. My cheeks were probably swollen and puffy too. Liam saw my condition and handed Hope to Harry who took her to his room.

"Come here" Liam said, holding his arms wide open. I walked fast, I needed support, emotionally and physically.

As soon as I felt his warm embraced I curled up and sobs started racking my body. I started feeling queazy, so I hopped up and ran to the bathroom before emptying my stomach. I felt an arm around my waists and a hand holding back my hair. I couldn't stop. I hadn't even eaten that much.

I've always hated how weak, how fragile throwing up made me feel. When it finally subsided I fell back into Liam's arms who just rocked me back and forth.

He slowly stood up and pulled me too my feet. He helped me wash my face and brush my teeth.

"Li?" I questioned softly, letting him lay me down on the bed and pull me into him.


"Thank you" I said laying my head down on his bare chest. He just kissed my forehead. He started humming a tune I couldn't recognize, when sleep overtook my mind.

I woke up to Liam rubbing my back. I slowly looked up, still exhausted from last night.

"Today's going to be better, I promise" Liam said kissing the top of my head. I sighed while getting my phone and laying back on Liam.

"You know we are going to have to get up at some point" Liam said wrapping his arms around me tighter. I chuckled.

"Mhm, but not right now" I said opening Netflix on my phone. There was a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" Liam said letting them know they could open the door. Little Hope came trotting in and curing up beside me on the other side of Liam.

"Harry won't get up" Hope said excitedly. Liam laughed.

"Here you can watch Netflix" I said handing her my phone then curling back up to Liam.

I found my self slowly falling back to sleep. When I woke up again Hope had gone and Liam was in the bathroom.

"Babeeeee" I whined jokingly. Liam popped his head out of the bathroom.

"Come back" I said trying to stay warm by my self. Liam smirked and sat on me.

"This is not what I meant" I said trying to get away. Liam grabbed me and laid me back down in his arms.

"Where'd Hope go?" I said kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Tease, and Harry came and got her a while back they went for breakfast" Liam said smiling. I glanced over at the clock, noon.

"Want to go get some lunch?" I said rubbing my eyes and walking to my suitcase.

"Sure, want to invite the boys?" Liam said putting on a shirt.

"Uh, can it be just you and me?" I said looking at the ground.

"Of course babe" Liam said taking a pair of jeans and walking to the bathroom. I took this chance to put on a tee and some capris. Lucky just was I had pulled the pants over my bum Liam walked in.

I don't know why the sudden change of attitude, but I wasn't half as mad at Zayn as I was last nigh. Yeah, he slapped my sister, don't get me wrong that's huge and it won't go unnoticed, but family is rare.

I walked out of the room seeing a red eyed Zayn.

"Annie, I'm so sorry" he started tears running down his face.

"I know you are, but what you did was awful and it's going to take a while to forget" I said sadly, avoiding eye contact.

"Annie, please look at me" Zayn said pleading. I refuse as I walk away to Harry's room.

Hope was alone in the bed curled up with her stuffed animals, Harry and her must've gotten back while I was sleeping. I walked over and softly shook her away.

"Babe, want to hang out today? Shop maybe?" I said as she rubbed her eyes.

"Sure, let me get dressed, oh and I'm not to hungry" Hope said walking back to Liam and I's room. I laughed at her comment.

"Ready for lunch?" Liam said rolling out of bed. I had completely forgotten.

"What wrong?" Liam said walking over to me. "Well you see, I kinda invited Hope" I said softly. Liam's face lit up. "Of course she can come" he said planting a kiss on my forehead.

I grabbed jeans and a tee, then grabbed Hope leggings and a shirt. We headed to the bathroom so Liam could change out there.

Today was going to be good.

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