"But you should be mad! You should be, Reina. I almost...I saw the way you looked at me in that very moment and it made me regret all of my existence!" he says, running a hand through his hair, desperately.

She wraps her arms around him and he hugs her back, burying his face into her shoulder.

He pulls away and looks down at her stomach, caressing it gently.

He stands up and kneels in front of her, "Reina...forgive me. I beg you to not leave me...I cannot live without you by my side! I cannot..."

Reina is shocked by his actions and words, but does not say anything, letting him talk.

"I cannot breath properly without you. You are my everything, the reason I keep going. The reason I do not end it all. You and our little children." he sniffles, making her smile.

"Aegon...it is alright-"

"No, let me finish this! I would rather die than live without you. I want to make you happy, to give you everything I have! To give you the moon, the sun, the stars, the whole world!"

"Aegon..." she says, stroking his hair.

"I love you, my beautiful rose. My perfect girl." he stands up and kisses her passionately.

She kisses him back and smiles into the kiss.

"I love you too...and you have already gave me the whole world. Just by existing."


Larys decided that today he will wear a tunic he always wanted to. He just took it from a famous tailor and cannot wait to see her reaction when she sees his new piece of clothing.

The tunic is brown. On its back it is a wonderful embroidery of a specific flower.

A dead rose.


Reina is walking on the halls, holding Aelon in her hands as she talks with him, trying to make him say 'kepa' and 'muñnykeā', but the baby does not listen, only giggling at her failed attempts.

She still remembers some words from the time Helaena taught her High Valyrian and wishes her son will learn the language too. Like any other true Targaryen.

Aegon walks behind her and pulls her into his chest, making her gasp. She relaxes when she hears him chuckle.

He takes his son into his arms, lifting him up into the air, spinning him around. Reina smiles at them and kisses Aegon's hand.

From a dark corner, Larys is watching them with envy, envy that eats his heart and claws at his chest. Wanting to lash out and take what was once his.

Reina's laugh makes his head hurt, his mind thinking of how different things would have been if the Queen would have minded her own business.

That woman could have carried his children.

He takes a step forward, the light putting his garments in display.

Aegon tenses up when he sees the man in the distance, drawing Reina's attention.

She looks behind her and sees the man walking with the support of his stick, towards them.

The woman takes a step closer to her husband and he puts an arm around her waist, in a protective manner.

Larys laughs at the sight and his eyes are fixed on the baby from the Prince's arms.

"How big he had gotten in the past months! He looks exactly like his father." he says in awe, fake smiling.

"Cut the act and leave!" Aegon snaps, pulling Reina behind him, handing her their child.

his rose || aegon ii targaryen Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα