Chapter. 37

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After a few hours a nure comes in to check on you

"Everything okay here?" She asks

"Yeah thanks" you say with a smile. Before the nurse leaves you stop her "actually could you help me a bit?" You ask.

"Of course what is it?"

"Where can I buy a pregnancy test from?" You ask nervously

"Down at the pharmacy. It's on the third floor" she says walking away.

"Okay third floor" you repeat to yourself as you get up and start walking. On your way see Andy he's in the phone by a wending machine. He hasn't seen you yet as he's seems pretty focused on the call. He's yelling but you can't quite hear what he's saying.

You get closer to him but still out of sight.

"I don't care how it's done just get it done. I'll write you a check as soon as you've done your job" Andy says on the phone yelling but somehow whispering "do what ever it takes" he says looking around then ending the call

You wonder what this phone call could be about. Because he sure doesn't want anyone to know about this.

As your spying on Andy one of your earring fails to the ground marking a light noise. Is sounded louder in the empty hallway.

"Shit" you say and run back to your room, you quickly get in bed just in time as Andy walks in.

"Look what I found in the hallway" he says

"What?" I ask asking clueless

"Your earring" he says handing it to you

"Oh what how did it get out there?" I say. Not sounding convincing enough

Andy sighs knowing that you heard the phone call "I was talking to my friend, he has worked with a lot of cases like yours" he explains "he owes me big time"

"Oh okay nice" you say acting like you don't care

"So what were you doing in the hallway?" He asks

"Nothing just taking a walk" you say

"Okay I'm going to get something to drink" he says standing up he puts his hand on his chest where he was hurt, he stands up and falls to the ground.
"Andy!" You yell as you press the emergency button.

You you lift his shirt up to see where he was hurt. The left side of his chest was badly bruised. A nurse runs in and says something I French you couldn't understand her. she calls other nurses for backup and they take Andy to get checked.

You were worried but even more mad. If he would have listened to you this would have never happened.

You wait for a doctor to come and update you. Finally after what felt like hours doctors comes and explains "alors que lui est-il arrivé"

"English?" You ask politely as you don't understand a word

The doctor clears his throat "so i did a few scans and found out he was bleeding internally he also had a small broken rib" he explain

"What?!" You ask in shock

"But he's going to be fine" he says "just needs to rest" he says and let's you go in and check on Andy.

Andy had his eyes closed he was clearly in some high pain killers.

"Hey" you mumble as you sit down on his bed

He opens his eyes "hey" he smiles

"Are you okay?" You ask

"Yeah don't feel a thing" he says

You pinch him on the hand "do you feel this?" You ask

"Nope" he says

"Good then you shouldn't feel this either" you say. Then you slap him on the face "this is for not listening to me" you slap him again "and this is for scaring me to death. You slap him again for the third time "and this- you deserve that" you say


"No! Shut up I can't look at you right now" you say mad at him but also so thankful he's okay. You lay down on his bed next to him "I hate you" you say

"I love you too" he says kissing you one the head

"Paris sucks" you admit

"Ohhh it sure dose" Andy says "don't worry we will be home soon" he says

You cuddle up with him on the bed when all of a sudden you hear Andy getting a text massage one by one "can you hand me my phone ?" Andy asks and you do as he says

He holds the phone so both of you could see the screen. It was Laurie who was taxiing him.

Something about Matt wanting to talk to Andy as he hadn't heard from him in a long time. "Can he call?" She sends

Andy looks at me "I'll be outside" you say to him

You walk out the room to let Andy and his son talk.

While walking you notice a small pharmacy inside the hospital. You can finally get a pregnancy test, that's all you have been trying to do.

You go and purchase one and take the test right away. You put it on the counter walking back and forth nervously. Checking the test every few seconds but so far nothing.

"I'm pregnant the first test said it, but It could also be wrong these tests aren't always accurate. But I have the symptoms but these could also just be food poisoning or something else" you mumble to yourself as your nervous

You check the test and is negative "what!" You say. You check the box and it says that there's test are accurate most of the time. "Oh" you just stare at the test and throw it away. With very mix emotions.


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