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You two get ready and head out.

And drives as usual.

"I bought her these shoes, do you think she will like them?" You show Andy a picture of the shoes you bought for May.

"Jimmy choo?" He asks

"Mhm" you hum.

"They look good, don't you have the same ones?" He ask

"Yeah just in white and black I don't have them I blue" you remind him

"Do you want them in blue?" He asks looking over at you.
You have to be careful what you wish for around Andy cause he will get it for you the second he can. Like once you told him about how you love vanilla scented stuff so he went out and bought three different types of vanilla perfumes, six vanilla scented candles for you. You still have these candles.
So when ever you say something you have to be careful.

"No the ones I have are good" you say and put on some music.

You guys get to May and Zack house, you two could smell the grilled food.

You walk into there house "hello" you yell

"There she is my favourite cousin" Zack says in a jokingly but meaning way. He comes up to you giving you a hug

"Mmm can't say the same about you?" You say matching the same energy

"Hey man" Zack and Andy do the awkward man hug.

"Where's May?" You ask walking further into the house

"Oh she's upstairs getting ready" he says. Zack and Andy walk outside and watch over the grill while you check on May

"Hey birthday girl" you hug her "I got this for you" you hand her the box

"Oh Y/n you didn't have too" she says

Out of all your cousins You and Andy are the closest to Zack and May, so you guys get a long very well.

"Of course anything for you. Now show me the dress" you say sitting down on the bed.
May walks out wearing long silky white dress the heals you bought will look perfect with it.
"Damn since when did you get tits?" Yous ask

"Ever since I started breastfeeding" she says "after that they just stayed like this"

"Hello everyone!" You and May hear someone else enter the house, more guests.
You see some of your cousins and other just May and Zack close friends.

While walking around talking to people you had had at least two Alcoholic drinks. You weren't drunk but you had definitely started feeling it kick in.
You also hadn't seen Andy for an hour so you try looking for him.

While looking for him someone offers you another drink so of course you take it.
Now it's really kicking in the alcohol. Everyone around you are pretty drunk but also stable.
You walk around now looking for Andy but not being able to find him.

"Zack have you seen Andy?" You ask

"Nope" he answers "hey Y/n try this beer" he says.

You take a big sip of the beer "ew" you say as the beer didn't sit right with you. You feel sick of the smell of it so you decide to go out for fresh air.

When you get out you hear Andy talking to someone.

Andy sounds mad "I don't Fucking care find him. With him out there it put my and my wife's life in danger" he yells "don't tell me to fucking calm down!"
You walk up to him and as soon as he sees you he says "I'll talk to you later" he ends the call

"Andy what's going on?" You ask him

"Nothing" he answers

"Andy I'm drunk not stupid, what's going on"
you ask him again bit more aggressively.

"Y/n it's nothing. Are you drinking? " He changes the subject

"Andy shut up!" You yell at him "for once can you tell me what's going on?" You say to him as you put away your drink and get closer to Andy.

"They never caught Jon, okay!? Happy? He still out there" Andy spits out, you look at him shocked "I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you"

"Worry me?" You push him away from you "your putting me at risk for not telling me" you push him away from you again "I'm not a baby Andy I can handle these things" you say

"Y/n would you relax. Only reason I didn't tell you is cause you would get scared"

"Scared?" You laugh "I'm not fucking child that gets scared" you yell

"Well you sure do childish things" Andy yells back "your fucking drinking every alcoholic drink you can find when you know we are trying for a baby!"

"Oh so I'm not aloud to have fun anymore"

"I never said that" Andy starts calming down, you see he's trying to control himself "I'm sorry" he says. He takes deep breaths.

"Hey is everything okay out hear we heard some yelling" Zack walks out. He's all tipsy and clumsy

"Yeah man we're good" Andy assures him.

"Okay then come inside it's fucking cold out here" Zack says as he makes his way back into the house.

"Can we talk about this later?" Andy says

"Fine" you walk into the house and Andy follows you.

You guys walk in and see everyone sitting in the living room all just chilling and talking. So far everyone seems to be having fun.

Andy sits down on the couch saving a set for you but you go and sit somewhere else. On the opposite site to Andy.

You look over at Andy who is obviously pissed off, his eyes are fixed on you. You try ignoring him by talking to other people but can't help noticing him looking at you.

Andy didn't drink though out the whole night. Either he was looking at you or his watch.


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