Chapter. 34

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You go to the bathroom to clean yourself up and while you were looking for your skincare you go through your makeup bag and find a pregnancy test. Even better an unused one.

Wouldn't hurt to take a test. Just to know what's going on.

You take the test and wait. You had no patience as you were scared Andy would find it so you were trying to be as fast as you could. If this test comes out positive it would explain a lot.

After looking at it you see two lines appear on the stick "fuck" yous say. Not sure if your happy or not. You won't find out if this is good new or bad new not until you know what Andy thinks about this.

You take a deep breath and try to think of other things. A nice shower would be nice. Gives you time to clear your mind and think.

You lay in bed after a shower, only wearing. Robe. Your just thinking of anything other then then you being pregnant. Maybe he wasn't enjoying the sex enough that's why he didn't cum. He had to jerk of to finish.

All your guys year in marriage he has never done that

Andy lays on the bed next to you "what are thinking?" He asks as his hands are already under your robe resting on your hip.

"Why didn't you finish?" You ask him

"Sorry what?" He asks confused

"Earlier you didn't finish" you say

"Yeah I did" he answers eating for you to get to the point.

"No you pulled out and finished" you say. Yeah the conversation was a bit uncomfortable but you needed to know why the change

"Oh right yeah i wasn't wearing a condom and well you know you haven't been on the pill for a while so..." he says hoping that you'd figure out the rest. You still look at him confused so he says "so you don't get pregnant"

"So your serious you don't want kids?" you ask him as you sit up and look at him

"No I do and you know that. But with everything going on in my life I'm not sure if it's the right time. I told you earlier that we should wait on having kids"

"Andy I'm not some baby making machine I don't just get pregnant when you want me to and then not get pregnant when you think there is to much going on in your life" you say as you have started to raise your voice at him

"I know that" he says "I just thought that it was the right thing to do I didn't mean it like that"

"You can't just get me pregnant and then decide you don't want kids" you yell. You didn't mean to say that but in the heat of the moment you did

"No Y/n- wait your pregnant?" He asks confused

"No I mean yeah well I think so" you say nervously

Andy's face goes from a tense angry look over to a smile "your pregnant?" He smiles

"I'm 99% sure" you say with a nervous smile

"That's amazing" he says in excitement as he stand up and carries you in his arms and kisses you non stop "why didn't you tell me sooner?" He says in between kisses

"I wasn't sure then" you say

"This is amazing" I placed you in the bed again. He lays between your legs and kisses your flat stomach nonstop. You look at him relived that he's happy. You don't even know how this would of ended if he wouldn't be happy.

"Did you take a test?" He asks


"Wait here I'm going to go get one. I'll be back in 10" he says putting on his shoes and running out. You haven't seen him this excited in a long time.

Your also relieved that all the morning sickness and the weird cravings had a reason behind them.

You wait patiently for Andy and like he said he was back by 10 minutes. You hear him walking around down stairs clearly looking for something. You wait patiently on the bed for him. Your hear the footsteps coming up stairs, you sit up excited to see him. You get a quick glance as he walks passed the bedroom.

Your heart drops "that's not Andy" you whisper

You sit there frozen not sure if you should move. Andy should be back by now.

You grab your phone and hide inside the closet. There were small lines in the closet giving you something to peek though.

The man walks over to the bedroom scattering though your and Andy's stuff.

He finds your red lingerie that he puts in his bag. Still couldn't see his face properly he walks passed the closet and to the bathroom.

Your phone rings the laid ringtone instantly drawing attention to the closet.

You open the closet and throw you phone across the room. Before you could run out the man walks out the bathroom so you stay in the closet.

He walks over to where your phone is and for a weird reason he answers. You look at him as your body shivers in fear.

The burglar answers the phone and puts it on speaker knowing you can hear him.

"Y/n dose it matter if I take the blue pregnancy test or the pink ones? Don't they do the same thing?" He asks. You can her the excitement in his voice.

"Wow Andy barber becoming a father?" The man asks.

As soon as you hear his voice you know who it is. You gasp.


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