Chapter. 11

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"Your so good" you kiss him

"Don't you ever call me like that ever again" he says kissing your neck "I can't control myself"' he says as you lightly giggle as his beard tickles your shoulder.

"What did you do today?" He asks

"shopping" you say


"Remember tomorrow don't work late" you remind him

"Yeah yeah I know" he says with a laugh "this better get you pregnant" Andy says.

"It better" you say.

Andy looks at you with a smile, this is the first time you actually aren't against the idea of being pregnant. You finally want it.

"Just to be sure" Andy takes his hand sliding down to your pussy. He rubs the extra cum from earlier all over his finger, then slides them in. He roughly pushes his finger in making sure every drop is stuffed inside you.

He didn't push in for long cause he knew you were very sore.

"Stay. I'll clean up" Andy get out of bed to go to the bathroom, on his way he stops when he sees all your shopping bags "is this all for you?" He asks

"Mhm" you hum

You hear Andy chuckle as he walks. You look at his fine ass.
He gets back with a wet towel, he cleans up.

Andy goes take a shower while you lay in bed and rest.
You two order some Chinese food and watch a movie. You go to sleep while Andy works in his office.

In the middle of the night you wake up and see Andy isn't in bed. You don't remember him coming to bed, so he might be still in is study.

You put on a robe and head down stairs to his office, before you walk in you hear him talking on the Phone.
You were a bit confused who he was talking to at this time.

You didn't want to ease drop but you were so curious.

"No mom I told you he's dead to me" Andy says

You think to yourself "who is talking about?"

"Mom I don't care he can live on the stress for all I care. Promise me you won't go back to him. Promise me!" He yells at her

You have never heard Andy talk to his mom like that.
"Okay I'm gonna sleep Y/n waiting for me, talk to you soon" he Andy says

"Shit" you whisper to yourself as you quietly make your way up to the bedroom, as soon as you lay in bed you hear Andy open the bedroom door and walk in.

He lays in bed

You open your eyes pretending like you just woke up "mhmm babe where were you?" You ask him

"I was in my office finishing some work" he says "do back to sleep" he turns of the light

Next morning, like always Andy had already left for work. Poor guy he never sleeps. He usually gets a two hour sleep, that explains his bad mood.
You head to work.

You were on your break, you sit scrolling on your phone. When you all of a sudden you started thinking about what Andy was talking about last night.
From what you got from the conversation was that Andy dose not like this person and doesn't want his mom to get involved with them.

There is something he's not telling you that's probably why he got so mad the other day when you answered his phone.

So things not right here.

You put one and one together and got the feeling it had something to do with Marianas past partner. The only person you can think of is Andy's dad.
You know nothing about him. In the beginning of your relationship Andy told you his dad died when Andy was just a teenager. You know nothing about the man other then his name is William.

Also Andy isn't close to his family so he you never asked anything about them.

You go on google and search: William Barber

There were a few suggestions but soon you found someone of the name William James Barber.
The man had identical features to Andy. Both had these dark green eyes, and the dark brown hair there was also something about the nose that was alike

You press a article that was about William, as soon as it opens up your break ends and you had to put away your phone.

You didn't think much of it and continue working.

After work you go home. You had completely forgotten about what you were googling earlier. am you get home and the first thing you hear are some movement upstairs. It's probably Andy.

You make your way up and " hello!" You call but no answer you still hear movements "hello?" You say a second time

You start getting this unsettling feeling as your heart starts pounding fast and your body fills up with heat.

You walk slowly towards where you can hear the sound coming from. You walk slowly.

You walk to the corner and look you hear a loud scream, in fear you also scream.

You look and it's only Amanda she comes to clean the house on Fridays.

"Shit Amanda. What's re you doing here?" You ask her

"I told Mr. Andy I would come in a bit late today I had a doctors appointment in the morning" she said

"Oh I didn't know, he forgot to tell me" you say to her "sorry if a scared you" you say with a light laugh

"No it's okay" she says

Amanda is a bit older then you she's in her thirties, she just started working here. She used to clean Mariana's house but stoped working there, unknown reason. Now she comes and cleans while you and Andy are at work.
You really don't know how to act around her, it's weird she's slightly older then you and cleans your house.

"Do you need help with anything?" You ask her as you don't know what else to do, your not usually here when she working.

"Oh dear god no" she chuckles "I was going to ask you something tho" she says

"Sure. Do you want tea or something to eat?" You ask. She looks surprised but nods.


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