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Now a week goes by since the party.

You were home alone in the gym while Andy was at work. He had to work late that night.

You were listening to music while running on the treadmill when you phone rings, it's your dad.

You answer "hey dad"

"Hi Y/n your moms in the hospital" he says. You could hear the panic and stress in his voice.

"What?! Is she okay?" You ask getting of the treadmill

"Yeah she just passed out and I got worried. Look honey I didn't call to worry you I'm just letting you know, she's going to be fine" he says

You sit down on the ground and take deep breath "okay umm.. thanks" you end the call and start crying.
You want to be with your mom but you can bare to see her in these conditions.
The last time she had cancer it was hard, this time it's going to be worse.

You sit there for a few minutes crying when the door opens, it's Andy.

He just walk up to you and sits down next to you. He doesn't say a word.
He opens his arms and you fall into them, he holds onto you.
Even tho he was tired after working all day he still stayed with you until you had stoped crying.

Andy knew you didn't want to talk about is so he didn't ask.

He can be a big softy sometimes.

"How about we get are minds of things and go somewhere. Name a place" he says

You look up at him "I can't go" you say

"Why?" He asks


"Oh common when was the last time we went somewhere?" He asks trying to brighten the mood "common I know you have something in mind" he says

"I'm good" you say giving him short and dry answers.

"This will be good for us, for you. Get you minds if things, relax, make love.." he says as he kisses you on the head "for us" he keeps kissing your head

"I can choose anywhere?" You ask

"Anywhere" he says


"France it is!" He yells in excitement, you just laugh.

You go upstairs to take a shower while Andy ordered pizza.

While your in the shower and comes in the bathroom "hey I'll be in my office finishing some work for the week. Could you get the pizza?" He says

"Sure" you say.

"Thanks. Just take money from my wallet"

You get out the shower and get dressed, you hear the door ring "must be the pizza" you run downstairs.
You open the door and instantly freeze.
It's a man who's old he looks familiar but you can't quite tell why.

"Hi, can I help you?" You ask him

"Uhh dose Andrew live here?" He asks

"Depends who's asking ?" You say

"No no.. no one I must have the wrong house" he says walking away. You watch as he leaves then you close the door.

You keep thinking to yourself why he's so familiar and how dose he know Andy's name and that he lives here. It's something about his eyes.

"Is the pizza here?" Andy yells from upstairs

"No" you yell back then make your way into his office "there was this strange old man asking for you" you tell Andy. You look at him as his face turns completely white. "What?" You ask "Andy what's wrong?" You ask

"Did he tell you who he was?" Andy asks standing up from his chair

"No he just asked about you and then left. He asked for the name Andrew, who calls you that?" you say confused

"Fuck fuck fuck" he says

"Ugh can you tell me what's wrong?" You say

"Not now. I have to go to my mom" he says.
You two hear the bell ring again
"It's probably him again" he says

"Or it's the pizza" you say making your way downstairs.
You open the door and see a pizza guy, you give him the money and go back upstairs.
Andy is getting ready to leave "Andy you aren't leaving this house until you tell me what's going on" you say pissed off.

There is always something wrong and you seem to never know.

"okay don't be mad" he starts of by saying

"Is this another one of your secrets?" You ask him mad "cause Andy I'm really getting sick of this, all you seem to do is hide things from me and lie!" you yell

"I don't lie! I just don't tell you things" he snaps back

"Why? Why don't you tell me. I'm your wife i deserve to know"

"I just don't think you can handle the truth. I keep it away from you for your own safety. I'm doing this for you. For fuck sake Y/n I'm looking out for you-" you cut him off

"Well I never asked you too. Stop acting like I'm your child, I'm just as capable as you" you start walking towards the living room, Andy follows you as the two of you keep yelling at each other "I feel like I don't know you anymore I don't trust you, we can't have a kid together if we don't trust each other"

"I trust you"

"I don't trust you!" You yell at him "we always end up fighting"

"I told you not to get mad" he says pissing you of even more.

"So your aloud to get mad when ever but when I do it-"

"Y/n shut up" he yells "sit down right now!"
You look at him and do as he says. You sit on the couch "now let me explain"
"That man is...."


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