Chapter. 32

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Before he could walk away you say "I'm listening"

Andy stops. A part of him is relived that you said something to him but another part of him dreads over the fact he has to tell you about his past. About the worst moment of his life.

"Laurie got pregnant and I couldn't leave her. Not when there was a chance that she was carrying my child" Andy says and you looked at him shocked. You were always told that she couldn't get pregnant so hearing the truth was weird "I asked her for a paternity test but she assured me the kid was mine" you could tell that this was hard for Andy but it was also hard for you. You had to know the truth. "Night before we were suppose to leave for Paris I went to see him. The boy Laurie kept saying was mine. He calls me dad. Y/n when I looked closely at the him I knew he wasn't mine, he couldn't be. I came home that day hurt and drunk and I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner. I just found out myself" he looks at you waiting for you to react but you just looked at him.

"Even tho that kid isn't mine I'm in to deep now. he calls me dad, he draws pictures of me, he makes me things on Father's Day and gets me presents Y/n. He's not my biological son, but I'll make sure he knows I'm his dad"

Still you don't say anything

"That boy didn't do anything, his dad left and moms a cheater but the kid is so pure and funny" Andy says with a smile  "divorce me if you want. But at least you know the truth now" he says walking away.

You were speechless

All you could think about is that Andy is a very smart and intelligent man and still fell for the "this is your son" and for five years Andy met that boy and never told you. Meaning when the two of you started dating Andy had a son and he never mentioned it. Your kind of relived that the big secret was that he had a son and not that he was cheating on you. That would explain the reason why he didn't want kids in the beginning and now all of sudden he wants kids. There are still so many questions you have.

Your still not ready to forgive Andy form hiding this from you, but you know this wasn't easy for him.

You take a deep breath and make your way to the bedroom where Andy is. He's lying on the bed with his hand covering his face.
You get on the bed next to him and just hug him as tight as you can. You put your leg over him spooning him. 

You don't say anything.

"I'm sorry" Andy says

"Me too" you reply. You two just lay there in silence "what's his name?" you wait for Andy to answer

"Matt" he says

You smile and just hug Andy. Even tho he has told you all his secrets you still think there are many other things he's hiding. You just know it.

You think for a second if you should tell him about your doubts and the fact your not ready for a baby yet. Your not sure you trust him enough to have a kid, and he already has a son he needs to focus on. You don't bring up that conversation cause you two will definitely start arguing.

"Oh and just so we are clear I don't want a divorce" you say jokingly

"Yeah thank" Andy laughs as he pulls you in for a kiss. "I love you so so so much" he says as he strokes his hand through your hair.

So far this trip is not exactly what you two expect.

That same day after breakfast Andy wanted to go out for a run while you stayed behind. Once he had left the house you call May.

"Hey" she answers the phone.

"Hi" you answer

"So how is Paris? Tell me everything" she sequels

"Interesting...." you start of by saying "I just found out Andy has a son" you tell her

"Sorry what!?" She asks clearly surprised "Andy barber. Your husband has a son!? How?" She asks

"We'll long story short his ex wife cheated on him and got pregnant with another man's child but she lied to Andy and said the child was his. And now Andy is to involved in that child's life to back out" you explain it with ease.

"Shit" you hear May mumble through the phone

"Andy loves that child" you add

"Oh Y/n" she says "I don't know what to say"

"Yeah it's pretty weird" you take a deep breath "can I be honest and tell you something?" You ask

"Of course" she assures you

"last night I was having doubts about the whole baby thing but I think I'm-" you hear Andy walk into the house "wait Andy's home I'll call you later"

"No no y/n tell me what-" you and the call and quickly grab a book and act like your reading it

"Hey" he says out of breath

"How was the run?"

"Good. I did a lot of thinking" he says as he sits down on the bed next to you "And I have been thinking maybe we shouldn't try for a baby just yet. let's put it aside for some time. I want to focus on what I have right now. Our relationship and Matt" he says

You stomach drops when he said that "um yeah sure" you say with a smile.

"Thanks" he kisses you on the cheek and heads to the bathroom

Shit shit shit


Defending Y/n Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora