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As Andy is about to tell you who that man is your phone rings, you quickly glance at the screen and it's your dad calling.

You don't answer it and just look at Andy waiting for him to tell you.

You phone rings again. You role your eyes and answer, putting your phone on speaker so Andy can also hear "hey dad can I call you-"

He cuts you off and says "y/n get here right now, your mom just coded" your look at Andy he grabs the car keys and the two of you rundown to the car as fast as possible.

You have don't know what to say as your sure you might lose your mom.

"She was fine few house ago" you say

Andy drives as fast as he can not stopping on any red- lights.

You guys quickly arrive to the hospital

You take a deep breath and walk into her room. This was a moment you were trying to avoid for a long time. This has happened once and it destroyed you and now you feel like you are experiencing it all over again but this time with less faith.

You se you mom laying in bed with bunch of machines stuck together her.

"Oh god" you cover your eyes not being able to look. Andy holds onto you.

"Y/n" your dad calls for you, you walk over to him and start crying "you said she was okay"
"You told me not to worry" you cry even more.

It had been three hours since you and Andy went to the hospital. It had gotten late and Andy had to work the next day, so you told him and your dad to go home.

Your poor dad had been in the hospital the whole day so you told him to go home and take a shower.

Now your alone with your mom. She wasn't responding to anything.

You lay on the small hard couch not being able to sleep. It was 4am and you were still up.

You can't sleep. Either it's all the stress and the uncomfortable sofa or that your aren't with Andy.

You just stare out the window when all of a sudden the door opens. You see Andy walk in with a blanket and your pyjamas

"The bed was empty and cold" he says walking over to you "I couldn't sleep" he tells you

"Your so cute" you say to him

Andy gets on the couch and you lay in between his arms, he poons you.
Even tho the couch was a bit small you prefer this rather then sleeping alone.

Now your all warm and snuggly

"She's going to be okay" he says and taps a small kiss on your cheek as the two of you slowly fall asleep

You did wake up a few times just to check to se everything was okay with your mom.

But one thing that did keep you up was the argument you and Andy were having. You still don't know who that man was.
You know Andy is hiding something from you, and sooner or after you will find out.

You fall back to sleep.

You wake up the next morning still in Andy's arms. You carefully get away and stand up to check on your mom. Still unconscious.

You feel something warm between your legs so you go to the bathroom and check.
"Shit" you say. You had just started your period.

You take the spare clothes Andy had brought and you change into them.

You walk out the bathroom and by this point Andy is up. "Everything okay?" He asks

"Yeah just started my period" you tell him

Andy is a bit disappointed by the fact you had started your period. Period meant no baby.
You weren't thrilled by it either.

"So what's the plan?" He asks

"I'm not going to work today" you tell him

"Want me to stay here with you?"

"No you go to work. Dad will be here soon" you tell him.

Soon Andy left for work and you called in sick so you could stay with your mom.

The doctors kept checking on your mom but so far nothing new. Your dad also came back and stayed at the hospital.

You had work the next day so you left.

When you get home you hear movement upstairs

"Andy?" You yell

"I'm upstairs" he yells

You follow his voice and make it upstairs to the bedroom, you can hear the water running in the bathroom

You look in and see candles around the bath and a light vanilla and lavender smell. 
"So you want some flower petals or is it to extra?" Andy asks.
As you just smile at him.
"The petals it is" he throws a bunch of pink and red rose petals in the bath tub.

You walk up to and Andy and hug him "thank you" you say and don't let go of the hug. "But I'm on my period"

"Oh" he says. Your stomach growls
"When did you last eat?" He asks

"Yesterday" you say

"Okay stay here I'll make you something"

"No Andy it's okay" you say "I'm not really in the mood to eat" you tell him

"Y/n I'll make a sandwich" he says walking away.

You sit on the bed just happy to be home. The hospital bed and everything was to much, you really needed a nice rest.


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