Chapter Twenty-Four

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A wad of paper flew across the room, almost hitting Theon as he walked through the door. It smacked the wall with a light thud before hitting the floor.

"Whoa, bad time?" he laughed, looking at the paper.

"Crap- sorry, did that hit you?" Blixer asked shamefully, shrinking back while he turned to face his father.

"No, not at all," Theon waved dismissively. "Everything okay? You haven't tossed a piece of paper that hard in months."

"Yeah, I'm... fine. Sort of," Blixer sighed. He closed the notebook in his hands and chucked it to the edge of his bed. Theon sat in his chair next to him. "Writing block."

"What are you writing about?"

"It's personal," he mumbled.

Theon gave him a look, at which Blixer rolled his eye and looked away. "Apparently sitting in a shower for a while sparks creativity. Maybe try that?"


"What? I'm trying to help. You aren't telling me anything." He gently punched Blixer's arm.

Blixer thought for a moment. "It's extremely stupid, but- how would you ask a whole group of friends to hang out? I'm not used to more than a one." He picked the book up, opening it to a page before passing it to Theon.

Theon looked over multiple lines filled with awkward wording. "Wow. Yeah, uh, buddy? All you have to ask is 'does anyone want to go to' and then a place, or ask them for a place." He chuckled as he handed the book back to Blixer, who's face was flushed as he took it back.

"Thanks," he said quietly.

"I'll leave you to it," Theon smiled. "Don't forget a sweater at least if you happen to go out, it's been fairly brisk lately."

"I will," Blixer said, laying down as Theon left. He pulled his phone out and opened a group chat. Am I really that socially awkward to be needing ideas on what to say for things like this?

Sending a quick message, he placed his phone down next to him. A ping rang out from the window to his right as a notification popped up within seconds. Confused, he pulled the blinds up and opened the window just barely enough to see. A decent sized twig rested at the bottom of the window. He looked up for anyone, and saw Ademus sitting in a tree, already throwing another twig.

"Watch it!" he yelled, dodging the stick as it flew into his room.

"Sorry! I climbed this tree by myself though! But I can't get down."

Blixer opened the window fully and stuck his torso out. He gave them a disapproving frown, yelling over to him. "Why do something you know you shouldn't be doing? Especially without supervision."

He sheepishly grinned. "Can I get help still?"

With a exasperated sigh, Blixer hopped through his window and dashed across the yard. "It's not my fault if you fall, a'ight? You shouldn't be climbing."

"Sure, sure."

He placed his hands on his hips and summoned his extra arms. Reaching them up so Ademus could hop on, Blixer continued to give them the look.

They flopped to the ground upon reaching a good distance to not get hurt from the fall. Blixer nudged him with his foot gently and squat down.

"Why don't you get lunch? I might be going out with my friends," he said. "But next time, ask mom and dad before climbing a damn tree."

Ademus halfheartedly nodded as they played with the dry blades of winter grass. Blixer sighed and ruffled their hair, standing up and walking back to his window. He climbed back through and tossed the stick back out. Reading the messages that had rolled in after closing the window (but keeping the blinds up), he was excited to see that all but Juniper, who was out celebrating her grandmother's birthday, were able to hang out for the afternoon.

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