Chapter Twenty-Two

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"You want me to do what?!" Blixer yelled out in shock.

Endeyllion shrank back and held their hands up. Blixer quickly apologized, noticing Cube flinching forward, and took a step back, allowing them to readjust their glasses.

"Well it's what we came up with... but you can always back out," they said. Handing Blixer a few pages of paper, Endeyllion started to explain the plan.

"So, yes, you would have to go down to the core," they began. "However, it's not like we would allow you down there without protection." They picked up a separate sheet of paper, which displayed a basic look into the planet's layers, and pointed to the first two layers before the core. "As you likely know, our planet's core is what connects to the trees around the world; the bright substance that we require shapes to wear goggles to view in that room. But these two layers protect it. Just before the core is the magma and above is the mantle. It won't be so suddenly to go down to the core, as we are working on what to have you wear."

Cube piped up. "How are you going to test that it works, let alone get to the core?"

"That is also something we are working on," Endeyllion said. "Again, going through with this will not be any time soon, so don't worry about rushing. We will keep you updated on the progress."

"Take your time," Blixer said.

"Yes, please do," Cube mumbled. He fixed his cloak and stood more upright. "We'll let you get to it, then. But please, if it doesn't seem possible it's no big deal."

Taking a closer look at the planet diagram, Blixer thought out loud. "It still doesn't make sense how any of this is causing tremors and whatnot. That doesn't seem possible."

"To be honest, corruption doesn't make sense," Endeyllion stated, placing the paper they held on the table. "It can cover mass amounts of land in a single hour, turn any living thing corrupt, but can't hurt the core as much as everything else. At least for now."

"Maybe the core's that powerful, it could have its own way to dispel the corruption in it," Blixer said. "Maybe over time but, y'know."

"That wouldn't be a bad thought," Cube agreed. He glanced at the door nearby, which led to the room watching the core. "What if we gave it time to see before... this?" He waved his hand at the papers Blixer held, which had the plans written out.

Endeyllion thought for a moment. "I'll take to the others and see what they think. I, for one, don't mind this idea, but just in case it doesn't seem to work as you're thinking we'll still develop the other plan. Slowly, however."

"That sounds good," Cube nodded. "Blixer didn't seem to happy about the possibility of being roasted." He said this in a joking tone, giving a playful grin in Blixer's direction.

"Not at all," he muttered, slumping his shoulders. Endeyllion held back a laugh.

"In that case, you are both free to leave," Endeyllion said. "We'll stay on top of watching any progress, and as far as I know the crew patching any leaks are close to done, so there shouldn't be any further issues."

Cube grabbed their hands. "Thank you so much, really. Please, let me know if there's anything I can do later on, okay?"

"I'll keep that in mind," they smiled. They led the two to the elevator. "Enjoy the rest of your day, both of you."

"You as well," Blixer replied back, pressing a button.




Blixer watched as Cube played with his fingertips, looking worried. The town was in the distance and the sun was still high in the sky. The temperature felt brisk.

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