Chapter Twenty-Three

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Zephyr cracked an eye open with annoyance as his phone buzzed on the bedside table next to him. Sometimes he despised being such a light sleeper. Turning to grab it, he read a message that his boss had sent.

Think you have time to watch him? Noticed he was in town.

Slowly blinking the sleep from his eyes, Zephyr began to untangle himself from the blankets and his partner, who was still sound asleep.

Why me, was all he sent back, a bit pissed now.

That was meant for you to see later in the morning., she wrote.

Light sleeper.

Right. But to answer the question, the others are looking for a new area to group up at.

He grumbled under his breath. He felt like he was the only one who didn't entirely care for the whole plan, yet he didn't truly understand why he stuck around; but it was for the validation that he could do something right.

Fine, he replied. Zephyr placed his phone back and sat up, looking towards his partner. He shook their shoulder firmly, as they didn't wake easily.

"What?" they groaned.

"Sorry Ephraim," Zephyr sighed. "You can go back to bed, but wanted to let you know I'll be heading out. Work needs me, I guess."

"'Kay... just make sure to eat," they said, shifting to face him. "Love you."

Zephyr smiled and leaned over to kiss their forehead. "I love you, too."

He slid off of the bed and stretched, not ready to be up so early. This was the earliest he's ever had to wake, and he wasn't keen to do so again. Zephyr pulled a shirt over his head and went to the kitchen.

"Do this, do that," he muttered, moving his fingers in a mocking talk way. "Yeah, yeah, just fuckin' stalk this guy like it's nothing. Can't even do it herself, like c'mon. She's the one so set on this."

He pulled a box of waffles out from the freezer and tossed two into the toaster. Crossing his arms as he waits, the little voice in the back of his head spoke, sparking the idea of leaving the group once again.

I hate lying to them, but I don't know what they'll think about me being apart of this thing, Zephyr thought, thinking about Ephraim. It's not like I do the more dangerous or... harmful things.

He grabbed the waffles once they popped up and began to eat while walking to the small laundry room. He removed a pair of pants and a button up, throwing them on the sofa. Zephyr saw Ephraim poke their head around the doorway to their room.

"You can go back to bed," he gently told them.

"I can't get back to sleep once I'm awake," they replied, walking over. "You know that." They said the last part in a fun-loving tone.

"It's only six o'clock."

Ephraim said nothing else and leaned over his shoulder, taking a tiny bite from a waffle. Zephyr tittered and started to hand them the same waffle.

"No, no, you need to eat that," Ephraim said. "You're doing great with eating now, proud of you."

He flushed with embarrassment, giving a small "thank you" in response. Zephyr kissed their cheek and walked to the sofa, picking the clothes up and putting them on. As he was buttoning the shirt, Ephraim went into the kitchen.

"I'll see you... probably this afternoon if my boss isn't antsy or something," Zephyr announced.

"Why this early though?"

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