Chapter Ten

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Green glared daggers at Blixer, her arms crossed with a straight spine, trying to look tough. Even though there was no physical expression on her face, Blixer could tell just by the way she seemed to never look away from him. He felt more nervous despite being some distance away from the heroes. He sat on the fireplace, hunched forward, while the others were on the couch.

"I don't really know where to start..?" he trailed off, tapping his fingers together. "An apology would probably be better, so..." He took a breath. "To all of you, I'm sorry. I've been told this countless times already: I know I can't take back what I did. I have been doing my part to help around where I can. If you guys need me for anything I'll do it without hesitation."

Gold grabbed their notepad and pen and started to write. They gave it to Cube a minute later to give to Blixer, which he did.

It'll be hard to accept the apology right now. But I, at least, appreciate it. it said. Blixer lightly smiled and bowed his head.

Cube piped up as he took the notepad back. "If you were to be in the presence of any of them at any time, either helping or something else, my mom or I would have to be there. Only a safety precaution, hope you understand."

The heroes visibly relaxed at those words.

"I completely understand. The last thing I want is them feeling unsafe," he said. Cyan raised an invisible eyebrow. He began writing something now. He didn't seem as though he would be done anytime soon, he even flipped a page, so the rest chatted again. Orange signed to Cube.

"Ah, she says 'I might not completely trust you yet but I have faith you'll prove yourself'," he translated. "I can say she is more forgiving than the other three."

Cyan snapped his head to Cube, huffing. Cube looked away, doing his best to hide a smile.

"Happy to know at least one thinks that," Blixer admitted. He looked at Orange. "I don't expect to be trusted in any way yet, but thank you." She gave a thumbs up, light chimes ringing as she said a "you're welcome" or "no problem".

Cyan looked up from his notepad, finally finished. He simply tossed it in Blixer's direction and placed the pen down.

"Hey, be polite at least," Cube scolded. He said nothing in response and leaned against Orange, hugging himself. She wrapped an arm around him and gently pat his shoulder while placing a kiss his head.

Blixer picked the notepad up and read it, flipping through the pages. I'm mostly choosing to believe you won't hurt us. Don't make me or the others regret it. Leading with what Orange said: prove yourself. Actions speak louder than words. We won't hesitate if you try something. Promise to not use your power things around us. it read.

He looked up towards Cyan. "I promise. All of you, you too Cube, have my word I won't hurt anybody. And not just you guys, everyone, too. We can shake on- oh. Nevermind, we can't. But you get the idea."

Cube pulled out a piece of fabric from a pocket. "I might have overthought this whole thing," he laughed with embarrassment. "If you actually want to shake on the promise."

Gold got up and flew towards Blixer, landing a small distance away in front of him. They looked at Cube, showing interest in shaking his hand.

"You want to?" Cube asked. Gold nodded. "Alright. Blixer, all you should do is cover a hand, that's it."

He walked over and gave Blixer the piece of cloth. He draped it over his left hand before getting off the fireplace and kneeling on the floor. Gold hesitantly extended their hand in his direction. Slowing extending his hand as well, Blixer allowed them to shake first. Gold placed their hands on either side as to keep the cloth secure and shook on his earlier promise.

The atmosphere was tense at first. After Gold backed away, returning to their spot on the seat, Orange repeated their actions and decided to shake hands as well. She dragged a very resistant Cyan along. They shook his hand as well.

"Been meaning to ask: are you two dating?" Blixer questioned. Orange nodded and hugged Cyan, who responded with a nod as well. "You're both very cute together."

The last one was Green. Blixer looked at her.

"You don't have to," he said. She looked at the floor in thought for a moment. Finally uncrossing her arms for the first time since entering the household, she got up and went to him. Still tense, she stiffly shook his hand and immediately flew back to her spot. Blixer stood up and gave the fabric back to Cube. He took it and quickly grabbed Blixer's hand, shaking it.

"Thanks Blixer," he smiled.

"You're welcome," he responded. "You're all welcome to stay for a bit. I'm sure my parents won't mind, and I don't have much going on."

"Hmmm... I don't think the heroes would want to stay long; they mostly agreed to have the chat and that was it. I'll ask, who knows," he told Blixer. He turned to the others. "Anyone want to stay? You don't have to, but if only one wants to stay we will leave."

They looked at each other, exchanged unknown words. Ultimately, Cyan signed they didn't want to stay.

"That's perfectly fine," he acknowledged and turned back to Blixer. "Figured as much, they seem done here. Maybe next time, yeah?"

"Cool with me," he said. "I won't keep you then. Hope your day goes well."

He walked towards to door and opened it, the heroes filing out one by one. Green looked at him for a second longer before crossing the doorway.

"We'll see you around," Cube said. "I don't remember if I've ever said it but thank you for being productive around Paradise. I've noticed it if you were wondering. Keep it up."

He smiled. "I do what I can. You know where to find me if you need me. I know it might be, you know, iffy, but don't forget it."

"I do not plan to. Don't expect to hear much from the heroes, by the way. It might take them some time."

"No worries."

Cube pat his back and walked out, looking back and waving. Blixer waved back and closed the door. He leaned against the door and let out a long sigh. His parents were out in the back but he went to his room.

Kind of glad they didn't stay long, that was nerve wracking, he thought.

Blixer flopped on the bed and pulled his phone out, intent to talk with anyone who would talk. He looked through his contacts. A few unread messages from some shapes, but he clicked on Estelle's chat. She was one of two friends he actually felt comfortable and not awkward talking to.

He smiled at the message from last night which read Good night and a smile emoji from her. Typing in a short message for a greeting he clicked send. It was marked as read a few minutes later, and she replied shortly after. He grinned and began the conversation.

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