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Birds chirped as the sun continued to rise. It was mid-morning at this point, and the sun shone through the hospital window of Blixer's room. Estelle lay on the side of his bed, only waking once she heard the door open. Raymond sat on the other side of the room, fast asleep in his wheelchair.

Cube walked in with a doctor, who smiled at the tired woman.

"Good news, nothing's terribly wrong with him," the doctor said, looking at her clipboard. "He has a broken right leg and three broken ribs, a slight sprain to both wrists and some minor scratches. We'll still keep him here for a few days, likely a week. I do hope this eases your mind, ma'am."

Raymond had woken up at this point and, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, perked up to be fully awake. He wheeled over to his sister.

"Thank you so much," Estelle said, relief washing over her. She turned back to Blixer, laying a gentle hand on his arm.

"He's in no coma, simply exhausted from... what you told us," the doctor explained. "His body needs rest, which I hope you will respect. If he wakes up and you're not visiting, we shall let you know."

"Good plan," Cube responded. "We'll leave here shortly, I want to talk with Estelle for a moment."

"As you wish," she said, backing out of the room.

He waited until the door clicked shut before walking to Estelle.

"Do you think he can hear us?" she asked, mumbling.

"Who knows." He watched Blixer's vitals. "If he can, I think he'd appreciate all the nice words you've said to him."

"If I hadn't known better, I'd thought you two started dating behind my back," Raymond sniffed. "With what you were saying."

She smiled sheepishly. "Mm... I do like him. But- ahem. Anyways." Estelle coughed, eager to change the subject. "I am excited for Lycanthropy and Ollie's wedding in two months."

"Oh, I forgot Lycanthropy proposed," Cube laughed. "It was so chaotic yesterday, Seems he wanted to get that done and out of the way. Emotions were high, perhaps it was an in-the-moment proposal, but they're good for each other."

Silence then filled the room as the siblings silently agreed, save for the steady beeping of the monitor.

"So... they weren't able to find that woman again," Cube started. The witch's smile fell but she kept her composure. "Orange seems more determined than the others, but despite that, there's quite a few eyes looking out for her. His friend-" Cube pointed a thumb to Blixer. "-Zephyr is helping search, too."

"I'm happy to hear that at least. I feel scared anytime he's alone, as if she's going to come back wanting to finish what she was trying to do."

"They'll keep him safe," Raymond reassured her, rubbing her shoulder. "You need some sleep though."

She huffed. "I will tonight, I promise."

"Okay, okay," he chuckled. "You did great yesterday, by the way. That was an amazing display of your strength."

Grinning, Estelle thanked him. She turned her gaze to the window, watching the nature outside. "I hope one day everything will be truly well. Well enough to where no one has to worry about being hurt."

"Hm," Cube hummed, staring out the window with Estelle. The heroes could be seen flying together. "I guess... it's not over til it's over."

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