Chapter Five

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Green sat up suddenly. She looked around frantically, confused in her state from having just awoken from a nightmare. She sighed upon seeing she was still in her bed and in the same room from when she fell asleep. She glanced over at Cube, who was still sleeping in his bed. The glow of his triangles, which sat on the nightstand next to him, comforted her. She couldn't explain why, perhaps it was a sign of life to her, or it could simply be because it was a small light source. It was still dark out, however. which meant that it wasn't yet morning. Unfortunately from Green's view she couldn't see Cube's alarm clock, so she wasn't sure exactly what time it was.

She had been having nightmares ever since the day she and her friends defeated Blixer. She was last to have initially died before their resurrections, and seeing her friends being crushed was still a vivid memory in her head. They all still had scattered scars from that moment; Green hasn't been able to look at the scars and keeps herself covered.

"Another nightmare?"

She looked below her bed, where Gold's was, and saw them leaning out to look up at her. Cube had arranged all four of their beds into a bunk bed style against the wall, two being in one column and the other two in the same fashion. He did this for their comfort and so he would be able to help them if needed, even if he couldn't understand them anymore they still were able to make noise.

"You could say that," Green whispered.

"It's okay. I had one earlier too. Haven't been able to sleep for a bit," Gold said. "Did you want to grab a small snack with me?"

"Hmm... I guess that would be nice," she replied. Quietly, as to not disturb the other two, she tossed her blanket to the side and made her way to the ladder.

Gold waited for her to get down and followed suit, just as quietly. They kept their blanket with them instead, wrapping it around their shoulders. The duo walked to the partially cracked door, slid out, and began to fly upwards before floating over to the kitchen.

They passed Cube's brother and then parents' room and into the spacious kitchen. The family had designated a nice section in a nook above the fridge for the heroes. It was accessible to them as well as safe from the hands of any younger family members that would occasionally visit. Green grabbed a bag of pretzels for herself and a mini bag of candy for Gold.

"Thanks," they said.

"You're welcome," Green answered. "We can go sit down there."

Flying down they both made themselves comfortable on the rectangular table. Green opened her bag but Gold didn't touch theirs yet. She took notice of their body language.

"Is everything okay Gold?" she asked worriedly.

"Hm? Oh, not exactly," they admitted. "Just.... you know. Stuff."

Green nodded in understanding. "Voices a little active or are they quiet for now?"

Gold looked down to their lap, tapping their thumbs together. "Bit active. It's okay though. Occasionally seeing stuff too but I've been doing what Cube recommends."

"Alright then. You know yourself better than any of us but we'll be here if you need us, okay?"

"Of course." Gold open their candy bag and began eating. "You too, got it? You're more of a worrywart than normal. You gotta let yourself relax."

"Can't exactly promise that," she chuckled softly. Her shoulders slumped. "I think it's more of a response to feeling like I wasn't able to help everyone when that happened. I know I put a lot on my shoulders but it really is difficult not to."

"Then let yourself be helped instead of being the helper, right? I can't tell you not to be concerned, I know that I'm worried about the others too, even for my own self. But it'll do you good."

Green didn't reply right away. She nibbled, or rather absorbed as the heroes had no facial features, on a pretzel while thinking of what to say. Gold pulled their knees to their chest and tightened the blanket around them. Green noticed a movement coming in the direction of the hall. Turning around, Gold looking too, they saw Cube walking in. He held a notepad and pen.

"Hey you two. Noticed your absence and only wanted to make sure you were doing okay. Having a late night snack?" Cube asked.

Gold nodded, giving a wave. Cube smiled at them and sat down on a chair next to the heroes. He placed one of his triangles on the table for some light, along with the items in his hand.

"Cyan and Orange are still asleep. Do you need anything else or mayb- hey-!"

Green dashed into Cube's chest, almost accidentally knocking Gold's snack out of their hands from the teleportation. Cube quickly rested a hand on her, immediately feeling that her small body was shaking; she was crying. Gold stood up and walked closer.

"Green, it's okay. I'm here," Cube comforted. She didn't try and say anything for a minute. She needed this.

Eventually pulling away, she floated back and sat on the table's edge. She began talking with her hands in sign language. Cube had been learning about this language as it was a good second option instead of a notepad for communicating with his little friends now. While some signs he didn't know yet, he could piece together what Green was saying. Gold had kneeled down to place a comforting arm around her, sharing their blanket as well.

"Ah, I understand," Cube said. "Yes, you are letting on more than you realize. From now on I want you to let yourself breathe. You aren't sharing the burden which I think you need to do. You're never going to bother anyone."

Green could only nod in response. She was grateful but would need to learn to let things off her plate.

"I can go get your sleep medication if you need it. But you still need lots of rest, both of you. Your bodies need the rest to heal. Can you try to sleep? Please finish your snacks of course."

Gold gave a thumbs up, drifting to him for a hug which he happily gave. Green joined them too, before grabbing a pen to get the message across she was okay without the meds.

"Sounds good," Cube smiled. "I will get to bed myself now. Sleep well you two."

"Sleep well," Gold said. All Cube could hear from that was light bell-like sounds with an echo, almost as if you could take the word "sparkle" and make it a sound. He smiled and made his way back to his room.

"You finished the candy fast," Green remarked.

Gold laughed. "I was hungry, can't lie. You finish what you want, I'll stay until you're done."

"Thanks," Green murmured, grabbing another pretzel from the bag.

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