Chapter Twenty-One

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Barracuda leaned on the wall, shoulder resting against it as her arms were crossed, watching as her best friend paced the room again. Only a few weeks had passed since Cube and the two heroes were told the news on the planet's core. Ever since, Cube was constantly worrying about it.

"Okay, so- let me get this straight," Barracuda started. "Somehow earthquakes are being caused likely everywhere around the world without the plates actually moving because of corruption?"

"Leaking to the core, yeah," Cube replied, still pacing but now rubbing his hands together. He avoided looking at her.

"'Kay... that's dumbest shit I've ever heard, nor does it make sense."

"I know, I know. But it makes sense to me," he started. "The core is what's keeping the planet how it is, and it's remained untouched for centuries upon centuries. All of a sudden, the virus is invading it. It would make sense that it would react somehow."

Barracuda nodded and waved a hand. "Now it's starting to connect. But if that's the case, you should be trying to find help instead of letting the stress get to you, right?" She said the last part softly, not wanting him to think she was dismissing how he felt.

He said nothing at first, and swiftly squat on the floor, wrapping his arms around his knees as he stared ahead. Barracuda immediately went to him upon noticing the tear under his eye and sat down at his side, rubbing his shoulder as to avoid the scar on his back. She could feel him shaking.

"You really need to stop burdening yourself like this. You have shapes that can help, right? So start asking them for it," she said gently, yet sternly to get the message across. "Your mom is plenty capable, I'm sure she'd be able to do something; even if it's giving quick ideas."

"It's hard for me," Cube answered. "I don't know why, but it's just- I can't get myself to do that."

"And that's something you need to work on," she sighed. "Look, if you want me to ask the questions for you I will. That's not a problem. Maybe it'll help, who knows."

Cube made a small noise in response while nodding, leaning onto her shoulder and pulling his knees closer. Barracuda pulled him closer. They stayed like this for a few minutes before she spoke again, keeping her tone soft.

"Alright, what's the plan?"

"Ask my mom for anything, I guess. Maybe... find some shapes that can look for broken, leaky pipes." He let a shaky breath out. "It's hard to think right now, sorry."

"Don't apologize. But that's a good start. Hate to say it, but we should probably see if Blixer can control it. Or something, like stopping it maybe."
"Yeah." Cube stayed quiet for a few seconds. "Let's go to my mom, I don't want to waste more time."

Barracuda nodded in understanding, and started to pick him up.

"Hey- y-you don't need to carry me," he flushed. She rolled her eye humorously and placed him down. They left his room and to the kitchen where Wynne and Levi were, chatting.

Barracuda picked up her half-eaten sandwich from the counter and began to eat as Cube approached his mother and asked if she was available to talk.

"Of course sweetie," Wynne said, already having a worrisome look to her expression. "Levi, why don't you go with your father for a moment or two, okay?"

Levi nodded and left without saying a word. Wynne sat at the kitchen table and gestured for her eldest son to sit next to her. He did so before looking to Barracuda for help. She lowered her sandwich to address Wynne.

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