Chapter Six

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Theon looked over from his cereal to the noise of footsteps coming closer. Blixer walked through the kitchen to make himself breakfast. Glancing over to his dad, he gave a half smile before returning to his business.

"Morning Blixer," Theon said. "Your mother is interested in going on that little shopping trip I mentioned a few days ago. If you're up to it of course."

A few days had passed since Cube had come over for the chat. In all honesty Blixer had forgotten his mom had wanted to go out, but he figured it would be better to go with her than stay.

"I kind of forgot about that." Blixer walked over to the table and sat down. "I'm willing to go, though. Did she have any time for leaving?"

"Around ten, ten-thirty is her plan," Theon told him. They both glanced over to the clock on the wall; it read seven-twenty three. "I'll have to let her know when it gets close, so as long as you're basically ready around that time then you'll both likely be on your way within that time frame."

"Okay," Blixer replied.

The next few minutes were quiet as Theon finished his breakfast and left, leaving Blixer to eat in peace. There was a knock at the door, which Theon answered and talked with someone. Blixer couldn't hear what about or who it was. Eventually he heard someone walking over. Hauling themselves onto a chair, Ademus joined him at the table.

"I swear, I need some steps or something to get on these chairs!" he exclaimed. Blixer snorted.

"And a booster seat," he retorted. Ademus playfully huffed and pulled out a fidget cube from his pocket.

"Not sure if you heard yet but I'll be out shopping with my mom today. I'd say you could join but she seems to wanna have some time between just us."

"That's okay. I was planning on lounging here for a bit then go back to the shelter," Ademus said.

"Alright then." Blixer nodded as he said this. "We're leaving maybe around ten or so but my dad will still be here if you need anything."

"That's fine." Ademus continued to mess with his fidget toy.




"Ready to go?" Eowyn asked. Blixer got up off the couch and walked over. He was wearing a loose shirt and jeans, something simple, and his mother wore leggings with a shirt.

"Yup," Blixer replied. He walked to the door and opened it, guiding her out and down the single porch step. He looked back and waved to his father, who waved back in return and closed the door. Blixer and Eowyn began to walk; her cane tapping the ground around in front of her.

"...Was there anything you wanted to look for too?" Blixer asked.

"Maybe a maxi dress or two. At some point I'll be able to dress myself but in the meantime I want your father to have an easy time," Eowyn answered with a thoughtful expression.

"I think a light green or dark purple would look good on you," he remarked.

Eowyn slightly nodded her head a few times. "I think so too," she concurred. "I would love if you helped me find some."

"Of course," Blixer murmured.

On their walk to the store they passed several buildings still being rebuilt. Blixer had to help Eowyn avoid those sites or the random debris scattered about. Some stores were, for the most part, opened and partially rebuilt due to them being needed. Luckily, though still unfortunate, the only buildings or surrounding structures that were destroyed were the ones around the ruins of the Tower. After it had fallen, those surrounding buildings were crushed. All pieces except the base plus an extra story of the Tower were removed from the wreckage. It was far too dangerous to try anything on the base right now, so they had relocated all buildings and houses close to it to somewhere else, destroyed or not.

At last they arrived to the clothing store. They had been here quite often when Blixer was younger. Walking in, they were both greeted by a blast of air from the AC unit above the interior side of the door.

"It really has been a while since we were both here together," Eowyn sighed in reminisce. "I remember the last time; taking you here to find new clothes after you're coming out."

Blixer smiled to himself, and gently touched his chest. "I remember that, too. Definitely one of my most happiest memories."

"It has been some time even since I've been here," his mother said. "They could have done some remodeling or new placements so I would appreciate if you help me find what you'd be interested in."

"Of course, mom. It doesn't look too different but I'll guide you. Let's look for your stuff first though."

Blixer lightly grabbed her arm and took her in the direction of the section for dresses.

There was a whole assortment of colors and patterns. Blixer managed to find some things he mentioned earlier. Telling Eowyn not to worry about taking what she currently had on off, he helped her into a fitting room and held the door closed while she figured the lock out. After it was properly locked he backed up and took a seat on one of the benches. A few moments later Eowyn fumbled with the lock again and opened the door.

"Oooh, okay. That's a good color," Blixer chimed. It was a deep violet color, darker than what he was thinking but it still matched his mother's complexion. The dress had loose sleeves and flowed gracefully below the waistband.

"It does feel nice, very soft," she smiled. "What do you think?"

"It looks great, honestly. Matches you perfectly," Blixer answered.

"Quite interested in this then. I tried the other one but I didn't like how it felt; it was a bit stiff in a way. I'll change, and we can browse for you," she said, already making her way to the room carefully. Blixer repeated his earlier actions and held the door until she locked it.

Once she exited, they made their way to a section for shirts, and right next door were pants. Eowyn stood nearby while her son looked around. He found something resembling a sleeveless jacket crop top which still had a zipper. It also had something resembling a jacket collar but instead of being up it went down. Pulling it up would make it look funny, but either way Blixer liked it. He took that and a pair of pants he found into a fitting room.

"I wasn't looking for anything crazy anyway, but I do like what I found." Blixer walked out of the room to where his mother was standing. "Its kind of like a jacket-vest crop top and some pants with pink stripes on it."

"That sounds lovely," Eowyn told him. Blixer looked solemnly at her. "If you like it, please hang on to it then."

"I will."

The two ended up browsing a bit more, finding some shirts or other articles of clothing that they found and liked. In the end, they decided on what they wanted to keep and went to the checkouts. After paying, they left and began the walk home.

Eowyn began talking about how the store felt different than what she remembered some years ago. "Definitely smelled different but also similar if that makes any sense?"

"Smells different? I never even realized it had a smell," Blixer laughed.

"You start noticing things if you pay attention enough," Eowyn shrugged. Her cane tapped ahead of her as per usual.

"No, you're right. It's obvious I sure didn't."

Eowyn smiled, attempting to reach for his shoulder. He leaned forward so she could reach. She gave him a light few pats on his back before returning to focus on walking.

It was a calm walk back to the house. Blixer felt more peppy, and he made a plan to hang out more with his family. It seemed to serve as a nice distraction but he knew he did have to be more productive in any case. Baby steps for now.

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