Chapter Twenty-Six

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A vibrant sunset lit the sky through the clouds. Dew on plants sparkled. The previous hours were quite rainy, and shapes ended up staying inside and enjoying the peaceful evening.

Ollie grabbed Estelle's shirt as she stood from her couch.

"Are you stupid?!" he whisper-yelled. His boyfriend sat across from them, glaring at Estelle disapprovingly.

"I'll be safe," she said. "You don't trust in my power, do you?"

"I-I do. But there's so many flaws," Ollie replied, releasing her shirt and nervously playing with his halo's orbs as he started crying. "What if the core decides to release some dangerous thing like a geyser and you're standing right there? You and Blixer would be hurt, if he doesn't die first. Really hurt-"

Lycanthropy promptly leapt from his seat and took Ollie in his arms, attempting to soothe him by rocking him. Estelle kneeled in front of him, reassuring with a kind smile.

"Tomorrow is when they need us," she began. "If it'll help, I can ask the head of the researchers if you could watch through the cameras. While it is a rather grim thought, you'll be able to see if something does happen."

Ollie coughed for a few seconds, trying his hardest to collect himself enough to talk. Lycanthropy and Estelle rubbed his back while the former held Ollie's head up so he didn't hyperventilate.

"I l-like that," he finally said. "They'll let me?"

Estelle gave an unsure expression. "Well, I have to ask, like I said. I don't see the harm in it, but we'll see."

"It's nice that you care, hon," Lycanthropy said, kissing Ollie's forehead. "Estelle knows what she's doing. I'm sure she thought about the possible cons about this, right?"

"Yup." She stood back up.

"Good," Ollie spoke. He rubbed the tears from his eyes.

Lycanthropy looked up at Estelle, mouthing, You better be careful.

She placed a hand on her chest while giving a nod of her head.

"I'll head over to the plant right now and ask about what I said. I'll let you know what they say," Estelle announced. "That being said, if you aren't able to, please don't freak out. It'll help me stay calm, too, while I'm doing what's needed."

"I can try," Ollie breathed.

"We'll go home now. I think his older sister is getting lonely," Lycanthropy said. "Thanks again for having us over for dinner. Be safe."

"Of course," she grinned.

Lycanthropy got up and picked a reluctant Ollie off the couch, carrying him bridal style.

As they left, Estelle waved goodbye. She continued standing outside until the couple was out of sight. Becoming serious and frowning, Estelle cautiously stepped further out while shutting the door. She slowly scouring the outside of the quaint home.

"Knew it," she mumbled, looking down on the other side at a window, where a handful of flowers underneath were trampled by a foot.

The rest of the planter had been untouched, but the dirt showed someone had been walking about and peering through windows where they could through the cracked blinds.

Creating a small fireball, Estelle felt safer to walk quicker. Continuing to walk around the house, she kept her guard up. Raymond was out visiting their grandparents since Estelle was having visitors over. It was at times like this where she wished he was here.

Someone slammed into her back with a force that sent her rolling along the ground, losing the flame in the process. Out of breath and stunned, Estelle looked around frantically for whoever did it. The shape was getting to her feet while staring at Estelle.

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