Chapter Twenty

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Blixer opened his eye to pure darkness, yet he noted could still see himself normally. Confused, he looked around. There was nothing as far as he could see. No noise, no other colors except for himself, and not even the slightest light.

"Hello?" he called out.

His voice didn't echo; was it possible he was only in a small room? Looking down, he saw his feet didn't touch any ground.

"What the fuck...." Blixer extended his arms in hopes of possibly feeling something, anything, but to no avail. He could feel panic setting in, completely unsure of where he even was. As his chest began to feel tight and breathing was becoming a chore, he could see something falling slowly down a small distance away from him.

The flower, as he would soon realize, gently fell downwards into the nothingness. To his shock, the flower touched down on solid ground. A bright glow erupted from it before the floor became visible, and Blixer began floating down towards it. The floor now danced with small, glowing sparkles, all dimming and returning to their brightness before the process repeated.

Blixer, heart still racing, felt the ground beneath his feet. After a long sigh of relief, he took a moment to breathe.

"Hello?" he called out again. "Is anyone else here?"

Nothing. He hesitantly turned to the flower sitting upon the ground. Squatting down, he looked at it with curiosity. Upon closer inspection, he saw it was black lily with a white outline. It reminded him of a drawing.

"A lily?" he said aloud

He debated whether or not to touch it. What if it was something dangerous? This crossed his mind for a brief moment.

That's stupid, he thought. "How can a flower be dangerous-"

A sudden click was heard. He quickly snapped his head at the sound, but saw nothing. Ears now perked up, ready for any other noises, he rose to his feet and looked around yet again. Blixer quickly glanced around. Something whizzed past him, and in response he swiftly ducked, looking back in hopes to see what it was. A small dagger.

He turned around in time to see another one flying at him. Reflexively, he held his hands up. The small weapon phased through his left hand. Expecting pain, Blixer winced, but there was none. Confused, he looked at his hand. No sign of a wound.

"What's going on?" he muttered, looking around again.

Out of nowhere, he felt faint and his vision began to tunnel. Stumbling backwards and feeling confused and disoriented, Blixer fell to the ground.




A hard thud was heard from the other room. Ademus shot up from his pillow, and with curiosity filling his mind, he jumped from the bed and down the hall to where the thud was heard: Blixer's room. They were still half asleep, but they opened Blixer's door without knocking. He lay on the floor, breathing heavily.

"You okay?" Ademus asked, already walking over.

"I'm fine... maybe," he breathed out.

"What happened?"

"Fell outta bed." Blixer sat up and slouched over. "Had a weird dream, too."

Ademus sat next to him, knees drawn to his chest, and awkwardly went to pat Blixer's shoulder as a comforting gesture. "Do you want mom or dad?"

As he said this, Theon poked his head around the door, looking concerned.

"I heard someone fall, is everything okay?" he asked.

Just Shapes and Beats: RestartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora