Chapter Seventeen

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"She's biting it again," Zephyr said.

Ilse gnawed at the rope holding her captive again. This was the fourth time within the afternoon, and unfortunately for her she was not making progress. Her captor looked at her, then back to Zephyr and shrugged, going back to what she was doing.

"She can't go anywhere anyways," she said quietly enough for only Zephyr to hear.

"What do you even plan to ask her about?" he asked just as quietly, leaning towards her.

"Possible recruit."

Zephyr looked annoyed, staring at her. "Not every corrupt wants revenge. Hell, she could be his friend but we don't know."

"Hm, you never know. Besides, I've never seen her with him," she fought back. He didn't try and say anything, as her mind was thinking on only one main thing.

"Well, I need to go. I'm going on a date with my partner soon and don't want to keep them waiting," Zephyr said.

Ilse's captor looked up at him, giving an approving nod. "Have a good date, Zeph."

He thanked her and started for the exit they had created separately for situations, such as now, where they couldn't leave through the original hole.

She stood up and walked to Ilse, who had stopped biting at the rope and watched from her spot on the floor. She squatted down and leaned close to Ilse's face.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"I don't have to tell you squat."

"Oooh, she's got an attitude," a shape nearby snickered. A few others joined them, each laughing quietly between themselves.

"Fair enough," she said, pulling away. "I'll cut to the chase then. Do you have any relations with Blixer?"

Ilse stayed silent for a few seconds before answering. "No...."

"You're not going to be in trouble if you are, I promise."

"Nope, I was being honest. I've rarely talked with him."

"What's your opinion on him?"

She again was quiet, contemplating what to say. It was hard to explain; she had very mixed feelings.

"I don't like him but I don't hate him. At least he's trying to help after his whole incident, so I can give him that," Ilse finally replied.

"Do you think he should be able to walk around freely?"

"These are odd questions," Ilse said bluntly, giving her a look. "And I don't even know who you are. I don't need to say anything."

The girl sighed and looked at the group near them. A few shrugged, nodding. They had all been through a similar talk with her, though not as rough.

"Look, we're a group that wants a little justice," she explained, waving her hands slightly. "I'm sure you've thought about 'revenge' of sorts at some point, and have been through a lot. Maybe even with close loved ones."

Ilse frowned. She wouldn't admit it, but she was correct. But she didn't want to say anything that could get anyone in trouble, even Blixer.

Instead of proving her right, Ilse lied. "No, you're wrong. And even if I did I wouldn't be wanting to join you if that's what you're trying to get at. Honestly, however you're going about getting revenge seems stupid. What, can't spend your time doing anything else?"

There was a deafening silence. The shapes standing further away stared at Ilse, a few covering their mouths and glancing between the women. The captor said nothing, simply staring at Ilse with a look of mixed anger and vexation.

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