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Water rushes down the lake, calmer than the previous night since the storm had passed. Cattails sway with the gentle wind, along with blades of grass peeking out of the water bank.

(Y/N) rested on her side, lucky to have been washed up onto shore after she passed out from exhaustion from fighting the rapids.

She jolts awake with a startled gasp, wheezing and coughing as she sits up. Her eyes dart around in fear as she pants softly, her clothing still soaked and a bitter chill spreading through her body. 

Her hair falls in front of her eyes, making her push it back with a frown as she feels around her hair for her (F/C) ribbon. It was gone, no doubt from her adventure down the river.

(Y/N) lets out shuddering breaths as she recalls what happened the night before, her eyes widening as she looks around with jerked motions.


She groans in pain as she rises, holding her stomach and coughing a few more times. Goosebumps spread over her arms as another gust of wind swoops down, making her shiver with a whimper.

"Clem? Hello?!"

(Y/N)'s face fell in both fear and helplessness when she receives no reply.


Her eyes widen with panic as she quickly checks her wrist, her bracelet still attached and making her sigh heavily in relief. "Thank goodness..."

She holds her hands close to her body, puffing warm air onto them as she starts walking down the shore.

(Y/N) swallows thickly, trying not to panic as she approaches a broken off stairwell. Half of it had collapsed from a landslide, it appeared, but she could still possibly reach the other half.

"Okay," she mumbles to herself, shaking out her hands and bracing herself.

With a leap, she manages to grab hold, straining with grunts of effort as she pulls her body up onto the stairs.

"Gotta... Get back to Clement," (Y/N) looks down at the river, noting which way it had carried her. "That way."

With a firm nod, she walks forward a few paces, stopping at the sound of rustling in the bushes. She remains quiet, listening intently with her eyes closed.

She could hear a faint bird cry, making her sigh softly and nod once more.

"Just a bird..."

(Y/N) reaches into her back pocket, groaning in annoyance when she doesn't feel her knife. She looks around for a moment, spotting a sharpened rock along the path.

She walks over to it, picking it up and weighing it in her hand. "Better than nothing. And... I keep talking to myself. Great. I'm already going crazy."

With a roll of her eyes, she walks along the trail, frowning sadly at the sight of a makeshift cross over a grave. She sighs, shaking her head and briskly walking past a walker with a sign shoved through its head. 

Wind whistles ominously through the pine trees as (Y/N) walked on, her eyes darting between both tree lines to watch for danger. Crows caw as they fly overhead, making her look up at them momentarily.

"Maybe I could climb one of these trees... Get a better view," she mutters, looking up a tall pine tree and gulping. "... Then again, maybe not."

She shakes her head, looking forward as she moves down the trail. She stops to read a Warning sign, and hopes the bears, wolves, snakes, and mountain lions weren't around.

Still Not BittenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora