Happy Birthday

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The group continue walking down the path, the sun shining down on them but doing nothing to warm them as the icy wind weaves through the group, chilling them.

(Y/N) sighs softly to herself, wincing as she reaches up and adjusts the makeshift headband, accidentally bothering her wound. The falling snowflakes had stopped for now, the blue sky clearing up with a hint of clouds lingering. The path ahead was caked in snow, as well as branches on the pine trees.

Arvo leads the group with Kenny right behind him, Kenny's gun barrel pressed against Arvo's back in a threatening manner. Bonnie carefully adjusted the sleeping baby boy in her arms as she walked behind Kenny, Mike a few paces back helping Luke walk as he winces with each step.

(Y/N) looks ahead to Luke's back with concern, frowning as she jogs lightly to catch up to their pace. Clement notices, quickly following and leaving Jane's side as she continues to watch out for any danger.

Luke's eyes flick to his side when he notices (Y/N) and Clement, offering a strained smile. She returns this with a concerned grin, Clement nodding to him in greeting. Luke's smile drops as he cries out in pain, falling to the ground and catching himself with his hand planted firmly in the snow.

"Wait up!" Bonnie yells to Kenny, "wait! We need to stop!"

(Y/N) reaches out to help Luke, Luke reassuringly smiling with his brows knitted together in pain as he rises with Mike's aid.

"No, I'm... I'm fine, okay?" Luke waves off, exhaling deeply as he shifts onto his good leg. "I just need a second. Sorry, I just... I just put more weight on it than I should've."

Kenny sighs through his nose impatiently, turning to Arvo with a glare. "All right. Wait right there!"

Arvo either doesn't hear him, doesn't understand him, or ignores him as he continues walking at a slow pace.

"Hey!" Kenny snarls, "what'd I say?!" He marches towards Arvo, grabbing the back of his neck and throwing him down face-first into the snow. "When I tell you something, you fuckin' listen, you understand?!"

Mike quickly helps Luke sit against a tree, turning to Kenny with a scowl. "Kenny, come on! There's no need for that!"

"He's gettin' what he deserves," was all Kenny replies, his tone low.

(Y/N) blinks rapidly at this, Clement taken aback as his brows furrow slightly, his lips pressed in a thin line. Luke's eyes narrow as he looks to Kenny warily, his eyes shifting from him to the kids with concern.

Kenny turns back to Arvo, glowering down at him. "I'm fuckin' talkin' to you! I say stop, you best stop. If you know what's good for you..." He sharply kicks Arvo in the stomach, making the boy wheeze and cough violently.

"Kenny!" (Y/N) shouts, appalled. "Leave him alone already!"

Clement remains quiet, glaring towards Kenny and Arvo with confliction.

"Just fuckin' stay put." Kenny sneers down at Arvo, scoffing as he turns and walks away a few paces.

Mike shakes his head, his scowl softening as he sighs. "I'm gonna have a word with Kenny. He doesn't have to treat him that way. Kid's been through enough. You all right here?"

"Yeah, yeah," Bonnie replies with a nod. "Go on and talk to him. I got Clem and (Y/N) if I need anything."

Mike smiles softly, "okay."

"Just... Take the baby," Bonnie suggests, hoping with the baby Kenny would calm down a little.

Mike blinks owlishly, hesitantly taking the baby into his arms. "O-Kay..."

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