Hit the Deck

753 30 68

do I feel badly for robbing Arvo, one may ask.

Yes and no

Yes because without hindsight, I know I could/would never do it in real life. But in an apocalypse... I don't know, honestly. I would have possibly asked to take SOME, and not have stolen all of them.

And no, because with hindsight, we all know what happens, regardless of whether or not you steal from Arvo. The same event happens, so may as well do the crime he convicts you for, right?

I don't hate Arvo. But I sure as shit don't like him, only because of how he ambushes you even if you don't rob him




Clement and (Y/N) make their way back towards the main meet up spot, Kenny sitting on the fountain ledge while Rebecca braces her hands on the crumbling wall, panting heavily with her eyes squeezed shut in pain.

"I'm not supposed to be in labor yet, Kenny," Rebecca speaks with fear, opening her eyes to look at him. "What if something's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," Kenny calmly replies, noticing the kids approaching with concern on their faces. "Babies know how to be born."

Rebecca sees the two as well, smiling softly. "Clement! (Y/N)!"

"What'd y'all find?" Kenny questions, glancing to the two.

Clement sets the bag of meds down, Kenny's eye widening at it for a moment before he decides not to question it.

"The building around back has an observation deck," he informs, (Y/N) nodding along with his words.

"It's safe," (Y/N) agrees. "A good place for the baby to be born, maybe?"

Rebecca looks up at this with a hopeful expression. "The baby will be safer? It's... It's coming so much faster than I thought."

Kenny smiles with a fond exasperation, "I told you, you're gettin' yourself all worked up over nothing."

"There's a room up there that seems good for when you do have the baby," Clement smiles reassuringly to Rebecca. "Jane's trying to get it opened."

"Sounds good," Kenny nods with approval. "As soon as Mike and Bonnie are back, we'll go."

Rebecca sharply hisses in pain, breathing heavily for a moment before smiling softly to (Y/N) and Clement. "I'm glad you both made it back safe."

(Y/N) smiles at this, not able to believe this was the same Rebecca that was cruel to them the first day they met. She looks down at her stomach, her smile dropping with some concern. "How do you feel?"

Rebecca sighs, holding her stomach tightly. "Scared. And it hurts."

Kenny's eyes narrow at this before he grunts under his breath, shaking his head and glancing away.

"... I wish Alvin was here," she quietly says to herself, her eyes filling with tears.

Clement nods with a crestfallen expression before looking up at her with kindness, "Alvin would be really proud of you right now."

This brings a smile to Rebecca's face, her eyes looking up towards the sky. "You think so?"

"Definitely!" (Y/N) cheerfully replies, Clement nodding in agreement with a grin.

She chuckles softly, "I hope you're right." Her smile slowly falls, her brows furrowing as she sighs. "I know it's a waste of time, but I can't stop thinking about things I should've said to him... Things I should've talked to him about. How... How am I ever going to do this without him?"

Still Not Bittenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें