Finding a Safe Place

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Sorry if Arvo's Russian is wrong D: Feel free to correct my spelling or anything, please!




The group walked down the path at a brisk pace, Jane up ahead leading and Clement walking a few paces behind her.

(Y/N) looks up at Clement's backside with a soft sigh through her nose, Luke walking beside her and looking down at her with concern at her saddened expression. Sarah was walking behind the others, looking around with wide eyes before hanging her head low as she continues.

Luke sharply inhales, hissing in pain as he grips at his ribs. "Okay-- look, I hate to ask this, but... Are we there yet?"

(Y/N) offers a concerned smile, "almost!"

Luke groans playfully, grinning at (Y/N) as he walks ahead at Clement's side, speaking quietly to him. Clement seems to ignore him, crossing his arms in defiance and turning away. Luke's brow raises before he reaches over, pinching Clement's ear and dragging him over to the side of the road, Clement yelping and flailing in protest.

(Y/N) blinks quickly at the sight, Clement huffing and turning his head away from Luke as Luke seems to scold him.

She watches the two speak for a moment before looking back at Sarah, frowning. "Sarah... You need to start trying. Please. I can't guarantee you'll be okay in the future if you don't. Freezing up like that when there's an immediate danger... That's going to get you and others killed."

Sarah doesn't look at her, her gaze set on the ground. "I'm not okay..."

"... Just..." (Y/N) rubs the back of her neck, sighing. "Try, please? You think you can do that?"

She receives no response from Sarah.

"She just needs a little time, (Y/N)," Jane softly calls, shaking her head. "Leave her be for a bit."

(Y/N) doesn't reply, sighing softly as she looks forward to Clement. He was already looking back at her, confliction in his eyes. Luke pats his back and gestures with his head to (Y/N), Clement slowly nodding as he walks over. 

(Y/N) looks to him in surprise, Clement biting anxiously at his lower lip as he remains facing forward. The two were silent, the air around them tense.

Luke joins Jane up ahead, (Y/N) continuing walking and Clement quickly rushing to her side. He looks around the woods, rubbing the back of his neck and sighing.

(Y/N) couldn't take the awkward silence anymore. "Clem--"


Both start, turning to each other. Clement blinks rapidly, clearing his throat as he rubs the back of his neck once more and turns away, flustered.

(Y/N) pouts lightly, turning away from Clement and sighing. "... I'm sorry."

Clement quickly turns to her, shaking his head. "No-- I'm sorry. I... Shit," he grumbles, dragging a hand down his face in exasperation.

(Y/N) looks back at him curiously as he has an internal conflict, struggling to choose his words correctly.

"It's," he starts, huffing and shaking his head. He looks to (Y/N), who was patiently waiting with a head tilt. "I don't know. I don't like this. Us being... I don't know-- weird."

(Y/N) frowns, tilting her head. "Yeah... You've never really been that mad at me before."

"No-- I wasn't..." Clement takes a deep breath, looking down. "I wasn't mad at you."

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