A New Threat

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Clement and (Y/N) race through the woods with panting breaths, their feet crunching in the fallen leaves on the ground.

They come to a stop, Clement panting and bracing his hands on his knees as (Y/N) looks around while blowing a few strands of stray hair from her face.

"Wait... This is... Okay!" (Y/N) nods firmly, pointing the direction of the cabin. "It's this way! Come on!"

Clement quickly races after her as she leads the way, eventually coming across the backside of the cabin. Both were panting heavily with exhaustion, Clement jokingly leaning his arm and weight on (Y/N)'s back as she braces herself on her knees.

She staggers with a yelp, Clement laughing breathlessly as she playfully glares at him before opening the backdoor.

Carlos was the first to rise to his feet, him and Rebecca at the kitchen table.

"Clement! (Y/N)!" he greets, relief in his voice. "Are you both all right?" His face falls as he looks behind them, "Luke's not with you?!"

Rebecca's face pales as she rises, "where's Alvin?!"

(Y/N) was still catching her breath, Clement swallowing his spit and wincing at his dry throat.

"What happened? It's been hours!" Carlos walks over, squatting down to their levels.

"Pete... Pete got bit," Clement manages out, exhaling deeply as he manages to catch his breath.

(Y/N)'s eyes flick to him with shock, Rebecca and Carlos' eyes widening.


"What happened?"

"Walkers," (Y/N) shakes her head, frowning.

Carlos breathes heavily, his eyes wide as he shakes his head. "My God..."

"Where were you?" Rebecca demands, her face hardened but her words laced with fear. "Where were you exactly?"

"We were at the stream," (Y/N) responds, Clement nodding in agreement.

Rebecca turns to Carlos. "We gotta go!"

"Just hold on a minute--"

"My husband is still out there!" Rebecca shouts, cutting him off. "Get the guns!"

Carlos flinches, nodding quickly as he turns and rushes off towards the bedrooms.

"Luke and Alvin went out looking for you," Rebecca speaks shakily, her fists trembling at her sides. "I told them not to go... Damn it, Luke!"

Carlos runs back over, handing Rebecca a shotgun and tucking a silver pistol in his pants. Rebecca marches out, Carlos pausing and turning to the two.

"Kids, can you... Can you please watch Sarah?" Carlos softly asks. "She's upstairs. Just... Distract her. And don't tell her anything! She gets... Nervous."

Clement nods, shrugging. "Yeah, just go!"

"You can trust us," (Y/N) smiles reassuringly, nodding.

(?) Carlos will remember that

Carlos' face relaxes with relief. "Thank you both. You'll be safe inside. Just don't open the doors for anything," he speaks sternly with concern. "We'll be back soon. And... Thank you, again."

With that, he turns and rushes after Rebecca, closing the backdoor behind him.

(Y/N) sighs loudly, her and Clement exchanging a tired, concerned glance before turning to the staircase leading up.

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