Far to Fall

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Clement sleeps peacefully on his side, his arm over (Y/N) as she sleeps on her side as well to his left side.


(Y/N) winces when she feels something roughly kick her, opening her eyes with furrowed brows and confusion. Clement quickly sits up with alertness, nearly smacking his head on the bed above.

"Get up, stupid-ass lovebirds." Troy harshly speaks, glaring down at the two.

(Y/N) glares back as she sighs, rolling her eyes as she shifts away from Clement and rises.

Clement scowls at Troy darkly, eyes sharp and filled with hatred. "Don't kick her, asshole."

(?) Troy will remember that

Troy seems surprised for a moment before his face hardens. "Just get up. Bill's gonna have a word."

Clement reluctantly complies as he eyes Troy's gun warily, rising and standing next to (Y/N) as she yawns sleepily, rubbing her tired eyes. Clement adjusts his tilted hat on his head, grumbling with displeasure at the ache in his shoulders from sleeping on the floor. (Y/N) felt sore as well, rubbing her neck soothingly as the shutter opens.

The two join the others with Troy as Carver steps inside, smiling warmly at the group.

"There's been increased walker activity along the fence, so be mindful when outside the walls," he warns in a confident tone.

(Y/N) glances up, spotting the same woman-- Jane-- working up on the rooftop.

"The herd's moved a little closer as of this morning, but that still doesn't necessarily mean we'll be hit," Carver continues as (Y/N) and Clement stop near Sarah. "Know we're monitoring the situation. Now..." he takes a deep breath, sighing. "There are some folks who might be sore about what happened. And how things went. Well, that's all in the past now."

Carver's eyes move along the group, lingering on (Y/N) and Clement. "Some of you are new to our community. Some of you are members who went astray. But know that you can find redemption here... Forgiveness... By proving your worth through what will undoubtedly be hard work."

He turns to Reggie, nodding with approval. "Reggie, you're nearly back in. Keep following the path, and we'll welcome you back with open arms."

"How'd you two sleep?" Sarah whispers to (Y/N) and Clement.

Carver notices, his smile falling to annoyance before he turns and continues speaking to the group. "Let Reggie be an example of..."

"I was so tired," Sarah continues, yawning loudly. "I didn't even realize it."

"... Salvation is available and must be..."

(Y/N)'s eyes dart between Carver and Sarah anxiously as she clears her throat and speaks lowly, "fine-- we slept fine. It wasn't that bad, actually. I was surprisingly warm."

Clement felt his cheeks heat up as he rubs the back of his neck, glancing to the side. "Yep, me too. It was good, for the most part."

"Cool, that's good! Not for me, though," Sarah speaks a little louder, not noticing her increasing volume. "The bed's are really uncomfortable and I kept tossing and turning and--"

"Sarah," Clement sharply hisses, noticing Carver's eyes lingering on them. "Pay attention. We can talk later, yeah?"

"Okay. Yeah," she nods, rubbing her arm. "Sounds good. I just thought it was nice to finally--"

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