Two Enter, One Leaves

912 39 51

This episode was lowkey short

👁👄👁 This is already the final part of Episode One.





Nick anxiously bites his thumb nail, Luke leaning back with folded arms on the counter as he watched Carlos look over (Y/N)'s arm. Clement was eyeing Carlos warily, remaining standing and close at her side.

(Y/N) winces lightly when Carlos squeezes gently around the bite, but the pain wasn't nearly as bad as before.

Clement's eyes shift over to the rifle on the table, his expression remaining neutral but his eyes narrowed as he glances up at Nick.

"This might hurt a little," Carlos softly warns.

(Y/N) sharply inhales in pain, but remains in place as he tugs experimentally on the stitching, it staying in place.

"How's she look?" Luke questions, pushing off the counter.

Carlos' eyes flick up from her arm to Luke, and then over to Clement. "Well... His suturing skills need some work, but otherwise, I'd say (Y/N) should be fine."

"So... It... wasn't a lurker bite?" Luke smiles, a hopefulness in his tone.

"No, like she said it wasn't," Clement grumbles under his breath.

(Y/N) lightly elbows him, shaking her head. Clement huffs, crossing his arms but nodding.

Carlos lowers her arm, turning to Luke and Nick. "If it was, the fever would've already set in and her temperature would be through the roof."

Nick shakes his head, swiftly turning and walking out of the kitchen as Luke watches with irritation. He follows after him, the door swinging shut behind him.

"Thank you for looking at my arm," (Y/N) thanks, Carlos moving over to the sink to wash his hands.

"... Yeah, only after locking you in a shed. In the storm. With an opened wound. And walkers around." Clement quietly mutters.



(Y/N) looks back to Carlos, who was occupied washing his hands, and back to Clement.

"I know they did that, but think about it. They could have easily killed you and me for stealing these supplies," she keeps her voice down, gesturing with her head to the rifle.

Clement's brows furrow before he heavily sighs, pouting with a nod.

"I wish you wouldn't have done what you did," Carlos speaks up, making the two look over.

Clement scowls lightly. "(Y/N) was hurt, and you weren't helping. That infection could have killed her if it wasn't cleaned and dressed."

"We didn't help because we considered you both a threat," Carlos firmly replies, turning off the sink. "Which you were. Maybe you still are."

"We aren't," (Y/N) shakes her head.

"We put you in that shed out of concern for the safety of our loved ones. And then, he escaped and persuaded my daughter to steal from us."

(Y/N) blinks rapidly, looking to Clement in question. He looks back at her, slowly nodding for confirmation that he had asked Sarah for help.

Carlos sighs, shaking the water from his hands. "I'll give you both the benefit of the doubt. But there are a few things you need to know about my daughter."

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