Eye of the Storm

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(Y/N) and Clement look around at the incoming herd with wide eyes, some stragglers ahead of the main group. Clement hops down from the ledge and onto the parking lot ground, turning to (Y/N). She sits down, Clement reaching up on his tiptoes and grabbing her waist, helping her slide down to the ground.

She smiles in thanks before flinching as she hears a sickening crack, Kenny grunting in anger as he beats Carver's face in.

Luke flinches as well, shaking his head with a sigh as Carlos covers Sarah's ears.

"That's not the Kenny I know in there..." Sarita weakly speaks as she and the kids join the others. "I wish... I thought I could save him."

(Y/N) looks up at Sarita with sympathy, Clement shaking his head to himself as he looks down.

They look over to the ledge as Kenny emerges with Rebecca, Kenny covered in Carver's blood and wearing a satisfied expression. Luke rushes over, helping Rebecca down as Kenny simply steps off.

Sarita hesitantly offers her hand, making Kenny shake his head as he wipes his bloodied hands onto his coat.

"Nah, nah, I'm-- I'm all right," he reassures, not wanting to stain her with the blood. "Come on, we got enough to worry about."

Sarita watches Kenny walk away, her eyes filled with fear and hurt.

"Man..." Nick looks at the herd in horror. "We're never gonna make it through this."

"You kiddin' me?" Luke chuckles, grinning. "If Clem and (Y/N) can handle it, you can."

"And we were both younger," (Y/N) teasingly points out, trying to lighten the fear.

Nick weakly smiles and laughs at this, nodding.

"Shit," Kenny mutters as he watches the incoming stragglers. "I thought they were comin' from the south."

"They did," Rebecca replies, holding her stomach as she looks around in fear. "Looks like we're in the eye of it, now..."

Mike exhales sharply, "fuck. This is fucked."

"Here, you're gonna need something, Luke hands Clement a hatchet, suddenly lighting up and smiling widely at (Y/N). "Actually... You both are."

She raises her brow in question as he reaches behind him, removing something that was tucked through his back belt loop.

"Now, (Y/N)," Luke speaks in a light tone, a knowing smile on his face. "I believe I promised you, a big knife." He quotes jokingly, pulling out what he was hiding.

In Luke's hand was a beautifully made machete, the blade a dark, almost ebony colored metal with ridges along the blade. The handle was made of a comfortable leather, and the hilt had the silhouette of her favorite animal on it, reminding her of the beloved stuffed animal she had lost. (Y/N)'s eyes light up as she gasps softly, looking from the machete to Luke with delight and admiration. It was around the length of her forearm to her middle bicep, and didn't have a single scratch on it.

"Even got ya your own sheathe so you don't gotta carry it," Luke pulls out a black leather sheathe with straps like his, motioning for her to turn around. "Let me help you with this."

Clement smiles warmly as Luke hooks up the straps, adjusting the sheathe with a nod as he slides the machete into its proper place.

"Almost kept it for myself, but figured it suited you more," Luke continues, nodding proudly to himself. "Take care of it, you hear?"

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