Growing Pains 4x01

Start from the beginning

"Tyler, thank God. Are – are you okay?" Carol says.

"Fine. Why? What's going on?"

"Pastor Young had me arrested this morning. The Council grilled me on your whereabouts. Tyler, don't tell me where you are, the less I know the better."

"Mom, I'm okay. Relax."

"You didn't answer your phone, honey. I was so scared that you were with Caroline." My eyes widen as I process what Carol said and Nik has to put his free over my mouth to stop me from talking.

"Why? What happened to Caroline?" Klaus asks playing the role of concern boyfriend.

"The Council took her."

"What do you mean they took her?" Carol tells him everything before hanging up.

"You have to save her." I tell him as he finishes the call and removes his hand from my mouth.

"I'm not doing that."


"Why should I do that?"

"Because I asked you to."


"Thank you!" I call out as he leaves the house. After he leaves the cellar, I text Jenna to check if she's okay and thankfully she is hiding  at Ric's old apartment from the council.


A little while after Klaus/Tyler left I got a call from Bonnie to come to the witches house.  I quickly arrived and that's when Jeremy informed me that Elena and Stefan were taken by the council. They also told me that Bonnie used black magic to try and save Elena's soul but failed when spirits got involved. They turned on her and forced her away. A little after we finished the conversation Klaus/Tyler and Caroline arrived. Klaus/Tyler saved Caroline and to say she wasn't happy with me for making the plan or Bonnie for putting Klaus in Tyler's body would be an understatement.

For the last ten minutes Nik has been pestering Bonnie about putting him back into his own body. "She said she's not strong enough." Jer tells him for hundredth time.

"You were strong enough to put me in here. Surely, you're strong enough to get me out." Klaus/Tyler tells Bonnie.

"I upset the spirits trying to save Elena. I can't use that kind of magic again. It's too dangerous." Bonnie explains to him.

"Bonnie, do the bloody spell!" Klaus/Tyler says getting angry she won't do the spell now.

"She said she can't okay?" I say from my spot next to Caroline. Tyler/Klaus turns around and looks at me.

"We'll just wait a few days until you're strong enough to do it with traditional magic, right Bonnie?" Caroline says. Tyler/Klaus rips open his shirt, takes a deep breath, and extends his claws on his right hand. He punctures his chest with his claws and grabs Tyler's heart and begins to rip it out. "What are you doing?" Care asks panicked.

"Ripping Tyler's heart out. I'll jump into someone else." Klaus/Tyler turns to Jeremy. "Maybe you." He continues to tear out Tyler's heart.

"Oh my God!" Bonnie says

"You're hurting him! Stop! Stop!" Care begs.

"He's bluffing. He needs a witch to do that." Jeremy says but I do believe that he will actually do it .

"What makes you think I don't have one? Or ten? Pick, Bonnie! You or Tyler!" Klaus/Tyler threatens.  Klaus/Tyler has almost successfully torn open his chest.

"Nik, please stop! You're killing him!" I tell him but he doesn't stop until Bonnie speaks.

"Fine, I'll do it! Just stop." Bonnie gives in. Tyler/Klaus takes his hand out from his chest. "

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