Chapter 88

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💗Chapter 88💗

Alec woke up with a heavy headache, Magnus already placed a tray on the nightstand with  tablets and water… He held his head in pain…he looked for Magnus  But there was no sign of  magnus… he didn't know where he went but the only thing kept on playing in his mind was him kissing Magnus and Magnus crying loudly while holding him… 

He was confused… "what you just did alec.. You misread everything and you forced your friend for a kiss… what he will think about me.. If he had hurt him badly,he would have  cried like that… where are these kinds of thoughts coming from… he is your friend.. God!!! How am I gonna face him?? "he cursed himself, folding his legs close to his chest…

" You spoiled everything, alec !!! You ruined your friendship…"he said and searched for magnus… but he was not there, there was a note in the fridge," emergency call alec!!! … I have to go to the hospital.. Order something for your breakfast and  Take your tablets ''that's what is written in that note… 

" it's not even caring… he wrote like a formal letter… how could he be caring anymore when I was forcing him for something he doesn't even want "Alec mumbled and  got ready for his work… 

He is out of mind for the whole day… Davina notices that difference in Alec's behaviors.. She gave him some alone time to clear his mind but she can see its not working

During the lunch Davina saw Alec was sitting alone and stirring his plate with his fork… she walked toward him and sat opposite to him… 

Davina :Are you upset because of me?? 

Alec didn't respond to her. He is lost in thoughts still looking at his plate…

Davina :alec??? (she shake his shoulder) 

Alec :hmmm.. Hey… Hai (he cleared his throat) 

Davina :What are you man!??? Okay what's your problem.. Is something bothering you??? Is it because of me??? 

Alec :no!!! It's not you… It's me 

Davina :okay if you are not comfortable with me go to magnus… (she said to comfort him) 

Alec looked at her like he saw a ghost..

Alec :no!!! No!!! I am fine 

Davina :well... If it's about Magnus.. Then you can talk to me…(alec looks aside and Davina took a hint) 

Davina :Okay alec it's clear, it's something between you and magnus.. After work we will meet at the club nearby… (Alec said" no ") you have no other option.. You can only talk to me… whatever it is, try to open up… I am just a third person.. I am not gonna judge.. 

She said and left Alec more confused… 


Nick :someone looks happy (he kicked magnus leg with his) 

Magnus :ouch… yes!!! … sort of… (he said with a smile) 

Nick :jezzz!!! It took a decade to see that smile back.. What ?? Did Alec kiss you??? 

Magnus choked on nothing with his eyes widened… 

Magnus :what???? 

Nick :Relax, Buddy!!!! You look happy after 2 months so I asked… I want to know the reason.. 

Magnus :nothing it's just one of those days.. When people feel fresh and enthusiastic… (he hides his happiness behind the smile) and.. I planned to say some details about our past to alec… I think I am ready now .(that kiss gave him some courage to try) . 

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