Chapter 36

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💖Chapter 36💖

Later on lightwood mansion…

Izzy :hey alec (she looks alec Close) sorry… Hey grumpy!!! (she said sarcastically)

Alec :hey to you too(he crossed over izzy) where is mom???

Magnus smiles at izzy on messing alecs hair more) :hey izzy…. How are you???

Izzy hugging magnus) I am fine dude… why does this grumpy looks more grumpier today… any wrestling or fighting (she asked patting magnus shoulder)

Magnus :no!!he is sleepy and last night we drunk, it's hangover headache… (he said walking towards kitchen)

Izzy, alec and magnus walk towards the kitchen, alec Hugs Maryse from behind…. Maryse hug magnus from front

Maryse :hey munchkins!!! Both look tired.. What's up!!!...why are you both late this week too…

Alec :it's my MDs birthday party last night.. We have to attend at least for formality…

Magnus :and we drink a lot… so we are tired (he said to receive a death glare from both alec and Maryse and giggle from izzy)

Maryse: Robert call me last night(looking at alec)

Alec frowns on hearing that :why???

Maryse :he shouted like a psycho !!! I ignored and cut the call (magnus was about to leave to give them some family time but Maryse held him back) you are a part of this family.. Don't take him that seriously, he is some kind of trash in the roadside bin okay!!!! I love you.. We love you.. Most of all your alec loves you.. Don't give up on alec and your happiness for this useless shit….

Magnus smiles at her, Maryse hugs him even tighter,he laughs when alec holds his hand from behind and pulls him for a kiss… "I will be patience with you because I respect your decision.. but I don't know how long, if you keep on refusing my offer.. I won't promise that I make love to you politely , I may fuck you hard …" he whispers in magnus ear… magnus cough hard on hearing that…

"What is it boys ??" Maryse ask in return

"just a funny talk"alec said with a devilish smirk in his face

" it's not funny "magnus mouthed, with his eyes widened…

" yes it is…!!! "alec mouthed back and drag magnus along with him to their room…

Maryse :boys don't start anything now.. Freshen up and Come fast for breakfast…. It's your fav magnus!!!

Alec :Mom atleast once in your life do something I love to eat …

Maryse laughs at alec):what you love to eat???

Alec looks magnus and winks at him… makes magnus jaw hit the ground…

Maryse held her head in her hands and shook it…

Maryse :I said don't start anything in morning (she said laughing at both of them)

Alec :freshen up soon… we will go out to meet cat, Raphael and ragnor… (while taking off his shirt and pants)

On hearing that magnus smiles widely…

Magnus :is that you??? you always keep your distance from Raphael (raising his eyebrows)

Alec :that's because you love him more than you love me… right???? (taking his towel and walks towards the bathroom)

Magnus :you know he is asexual right??? Then why do you think like that…

Alec :i know about him!!!But that's why you love him without any restrictions isn't it??? I am not okay with that…

Magnus :I know him before I know you.. So our bond, it's a little different… I know he loves me and he knows I love him as a friend…

Alec :still I am not okay with it!!! ( he said before closing the bathroom door)

Magnus chuckles and imitates what alec says, from outside.. To his bad luck.. Alec saw that and pulled him into the bathroom and pin him in the wall…

Alec :what is that!?? (tightening his grip on magnus wrist)

Magnus:what??? (he giggles while trying to escape)

Alec :you are playing with fire magnus bane (he said getting close to Magnsu lips)

Magnus : hooo…. You have know idea how much I want to burn in that (he took alecs lips in between his teeth)

Alec starts to move his lips on a rhythm with magnus' aggressively… "I can feel you getting hard whenever we have our moments.. Then why are holding back… do you think it's fling what I have for you" he questioned magnus breathlessly..

"I have my reasons!!!" he placed his lips again on alec's.. "you always have" he Said hesitantly and kissed him hard… alec twist on the shower.. They makeout under the shower for 10 mints to get rid of their urge… they took shower together and dress up separately…

They had breakfast with Maryse and izzy… calry, jace and Simon joined them….

Jace :hey… we planned for a trucking today evening… are you okay with it????

Alec looks at magnus :no!!! We planned to meet cat, Raphael and ragnor

Magnus:it's okay if you all planned then we should go… I will meet them tomorrow (he says smiling at jace)

Alec gives death glare to magnus…

Alec :seriously!!! You have been waiting for this, the whole week…

Clary :guys it's okay we can go next week..

Mags :no it's okay I love to go trucking… (he said kissing alecs cheeks)...

Simon :okay then I will arrange for everything

Izzy :hey!!!!!An adventurous night in a creepy forest…. It's been long.. (izzy said enthusiastically) 

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