Chapter 15

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💖 chapter 15 💖

They eat as much as possible untill their stomach bloat like 50 or 60 yrs old uncle... And then they ride to a hill Station nearer to get fresh air and carefree ride half miles covered by alec and other half they switch... They bought some drinks on the way and drunk till neck, alec passed out like his half body on the couch, half on the floor.... While magnus lying completely on the floor with his one leg on the tea table nearer them.... The living room turns into a mess...

Next few days went well... Alec and magnus having lunch at cafeteria where Kira and nick join them...Kira bought a chocolate milkshake for magnus,alec was looking at Kira suspiciously and magnus took that milkshake grantedly.... They had little chitchats and talk about kira's birthday party on Saturday night....

Kira :hey alec I think magnus is coming.. you Can join with him... What you say???

Alec :gives death glare at magnus) no kira, I am not, sorry me and magnus heading to home for Thanksgiving

Magnus :I totally forget I am sorry (apologetically )

Kira :I don't care about that... I want both of you there.... Magnus!! otherwise I will kill you!! (on saying that Kira and nick walk away from them)

Magnus :(looks at alec) I will talk to her... We will be going for Thanksgiving okay....

Alec simply nodded.... 

At the day of Thanksgiving..

Alec :don't be late mags....or do I have to wait and pick you with me??

Mags:no need Alexander.. I am not a kid... Anyways Today Will be very busy day at hospital... Because there is this fire accident yesterday there are lot of 2nd and 3rd degree burn patients... So it's gonna be a long day....

Alec :you're coming right.... Or you planing to go for birthday party...(raising his eyebrow)

Mags:roll his eyes)I am not going anywhere I will be there in time...

💖Evening at lightwood mansion 💖 

Izzy :alec!!! sit down for a minute mags will be here soon....

Alec :who told you I am waiting for him (roaming in middle of the room)

Maryse :what is it alec???? Is everything okay between you and mags??

Alec :yes mom.. I am just looking for him it's getting dark outside.. He is not yet here...

Maryse :call him??

Alec :i did he is not taking my calls...

On saying that alecs phone buzz, he looks for a message from Mags

Magnus text:alec! I am sorry I am stuck in meeting... You carry on... (alec didn't care to read further message, he just close that message and throw his phone away)

Maryse :what is it???

Alec :he is busy.. (he ran towards his room izzy followed him )

Izzy :hey big brother, he might be stuck in work...

Alec :no he is in party.... He is lieing to me izzy... I know kiras birthday party today... She won't let magnus go .. He must be enjoying party with his new friends..

Izzy:how imaginative you are... One day you will become a good story writer alec.....

Alec :izzy pls leave.. I need to take rest

Izzy :you both are an idiots...(.she curse behind and left the place)

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