Chapter 12

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💖Chapter 12💖

Alec :as much as i like to stay.. I promise magnus that I am taking him home... He is waiting for me

Lara :alec please... She drag alec by his collar) I can't be with you in office hours. So let's have little Makeout....she pull alec for a kiss suddenly and starts to kiss him tenderly.. Alec try to pull her away without hurting her... But she is not letting him to escape . She pins alec hand to the table and start to kiss his neck opening his shirt..

Through window alec saw magnus standing in parking, being busy with his phone, shivering little bit from freezing night breeze... He push lara away with little force.." I am sorry lara some other day." that's all alec manage to say..

He rush towards the parking and jump on his bike... Throwing another Helmet to magnus...

Magnus :atleast you came..... I Saw lara car and I thought you both mmmmmm.....( He laughs but deep inside he prayed to get an answer as no)

Alec :shut up...It's freezing...Lets go home first.. (blushes)

Once they reach home... Magnus starts to tease again... Alec try To change the topic, for the first time in his life, he doesn't feel anything when a hot woman kisses him...

Alec :mmmm... I think you need a shower, you smell like what do you say that thing mmmmmmmmm......

Magnus :betadine? (he smells himself)

Alec :no!!!

Magnus :medicine?surgical spirit ?

Alec:no!!!! Wait (he leans close to magnus neck to sniff that smell.. He took deep

breath to inhale that weird smell...) Meanwhile Magnus stands there like spellbound on Alec's sudden move... Alec's face is close to his side of his neck.. He automatically turned his neck to the other side to give him more access, when the hot breath of alecs touched his skin he felt goosebumps all over his body, it's like an electrifying feeling, his heart jumping out of his chest.. His finger tingles to bury inside alecs soft messy hair.. He close his eyes... Actually it's less than 10 seconds feeling but for magnus it felt like an hour) Alec formalin (which bring back magnus to earth)

Magnus wha.. What??? (he almost went to the gate of Ecstasy and dropped down in a second)

Alec it's formalin smell!!! (he reassured)

Magnus ewwww... That's gross... I need a shower.. (he ran towards the bathroom making alec giggle)

Magnus :locks the bathroom door, he turns on the shower..and he curses himself for being so voluptuous...control yourself magnus bane.that was so close...I definitely need a shower specially cold one" he mumbled to himself...

Magnus :hey I already prepared breakfast, we are out of groceries... If you are free in the evening, shop for some items.... I will leave that list on kitchen counter (on saying that he enters the bedroom)

Alec: yes mags (he is seriously searching for something from magnus makeup kit.)

Magnus :what you want grumpy..(he took eyeliner and start to apply on his eyelids)

Alec:sat on nearer couch looking magnus through mirror) do you have something to hide this? (he pointed Hickey in his neck which was given by lara last night without his permission)

Magnus :(swallow a hard lump in his throat, suddenly a drop of tears threaten to fell from his eyes but he hold it back) I use only eyeliners Alexander (clearing his throat)

Alec (looks magnus through the mirror) :why are you crying... Your eyes look glassy.... Magnus: side-effects of using eye

makeup.. I put something in my eyes too...

It's burning now... (chuckles) Wanna try?

(pointing eyeliner in his hand)

Alec :no!!that looks good only on you

Magnus I think... I have a new makeup kit gifted by izzy a year ago.. Wait, I will check the bags left in the guest room (he ran towards the room.. Once he enter, he close the door and place his forehead on door frame..."God...Please end this suffering" he mumbled to himself and gobbled his pain..)

Alec:Magnus it's getting late Magnus:coming alec!!!

He apply some makeup on alec's neck to cover the Hickey 

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