Chapter 3

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💖Chapter 3 💖

Few days ago..

Magnus and Alec had a habit of riding bikes with (serpents) their friends in the night time they are too into fun life and for betting ..and the jump in the wall in the middle of the night to enter into lightwood mansion and slept like nothing happened.... One day Maryse catch them red handed while jumping the wall... so she starts her enquiry

Maryse :seriously!!! you both are riding bikes in the middle of the night...

Alec :Mom.. It's just for fun mom.. Nothing serious.. (magnus gave most innocent look he ever can give)

Maryse :see. You are spoiling him to...

Alec's mouth got wide...

Alec :Mom he is the main accused in it..

Maryse gives death glare to magnus

Maryse :You two are not responsible enough.. So I have planned to find an alliance for you two.. Get ready for the wedding... you both (she pointed her hands on both of them

Alec :Mom!!! But..(magnus was speechless)

Maryse :Tell me quickly you both already have one or I have found someone... no other option for you two

Alec :Mom... me and Magnus were in a relationship.. (he looked magnus and magnus eyes got widen on hearing it)

Izzy came from nowhere "did you confess?" she asked like a whisper by leaning on magnus ear... magnus shrugged as no in return

Maryse :I knew it ... I am happy for you both ... (she was really happy)

Alec :wait.. How. Do you know??

Maryse :call it as mother instinct... okay you have engagement party within 2 days hey ready (she left with a happy smile)

Alec looked magnus apologetically..he dragged magnus to the room Along with izzy...

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