Chapter 52

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💖Chapter 52💖

Magnus :tickets!!! tickets!!!! (he scroll his mobile screen more often, sitting on Alec's lap, all yawning)

They are still sitting in their mattress in the balcony

Alec :Did you get that or not!!! (leaning his head still sleepy on magnus back)

Magnus :hey!!!! I got it!! how many? (he counted the sleepy heads) 9… Okay done ( he said throwing his mobile in the table nearer)

Alec :come on let's get back to sleep.. (he pulls Magnus close)

Magnus :I need to pee.. (he said and ran away to the bedroom..)

Alec : God!!! Such a mood spoiler.. Why the hell I fall for him..(he mumbled to himself)

"because you both are idiots!!!" izzy said, rolling on the mattress..

Alec chukeld :hey!!! We booked a movie. It's around 12 so get ready after breakfast..

Izzy just gave a thumbs up and fell asleep again..

Magnus :are you slept already!?? (he asked falling on alecs back)

Alec :Buffalo!!!! Move!!!! (he said, pushing him aside..)

Magnus kicked alec by his elbow and moved on his side .. Alec pulled him like a little spoon..

Magnus :I want to be a bigger spoon turn around ( he tried to turn)

Alec pushes him to the pillow and locks him with leg and his arms…

Alec :just shut up and sleep (he said covering them with that still little blanket)


In the theater everyone is sitting like a couple.. At the corner there is magnus and alec… Raphael was sitting no behind them all alone.. Alec looks at Raphael

Alec :Magnus!!! He Is alone… join him!!

Magnus :yes.. I saw him!!! Are you okay with it.. I mean (before he could finish)

Alec :don't overthink I will be fine!!! Go..

Magnus gives a peck to Alec and jumps From his seat to the seat next to Raphael

Raphael :hey!!! (he said nervously)

Magnus :hey!!!! Strangely nervous buddy!!!

Raphael :no I am fine.. Just thinking about something else…

Raphael and Magnus start to talk and laugh at something,... Alec felt a little lonely, maybe they are not romantic all the time but he used to this life of having magnus next to him always.. He leaned a little back to see him… he saw Magnus smiling on looking at the screen..

"Excuse me!!! Can I take this seat???" a beautiful lady ask him

Alec :he thought for a second and planned to make Magnus jealous) yes!!! Why not!!! ( he give some space for her to sit)

Magnus saw her sitting next to Alec, he couldn't take his eyes from them… Raphael laughed at Magnus' reaction.. It looks like a kid watching someone who took his fav chocolate from his hand…

Naomi :hey!!! I am naomi… (she said shooking his hands with alec)

Alec :hey!!! I am Alec!!!

They start to watch and give funny comments about the movie.. Magnus saw them laughing together from back… he was fuming with jealousy… he took a popcorn one after another and chewed like he is chewing alecs bone right now…

💘💘TOGETHER FOREVER 💘💘Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang