Chapter 63

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💖Chapter 63💖

Daniel :I am the new one here .. I came yesterday.. You are on a day off so I didn't get a chance to talk with you…

Magnus :yes.. I went back home… I am sorry… welcome!!! (he said with smile but his eyes again shift to alec who is already watching him from there)

Daniel:hey!! (he taps the table in front of them) you get zoned out more often buddy … any problem???

Kira :yes he had a row with his honey bun.. (she said sarcastically to get a death glare from Magnus)

Daniel :Hoo!!! Do you have a girlfriend??

Nick :no!!! Husband (he said with a smirk)

Daniel :Hoo you are married..???

Magnus :yes.. ( he said plainly)

His heart was pounding because he can't leave Alec all alone…

Daniel :what?? Forced or arranged unions or something like that.. (he asked)

Nick:no!!! It's a love marriage

Kira :yes 10 yrs for him and 5 months for his husband (she giggled)

Magnus :not helping kira...stop laughing… (he said annoyingly..)

Daniel :Is there any way I can help you magnus ???

Kira :no!!! They will fight like Tom and Jerry but they can't live without each other..

On the other hand

Alec was eating all alone and Jack was about to join him but Alec stopped him…

Alec :go!!!

Jack :why buddy you are alone.. I will accompany you…

Alec :if you sit here.. Magnus won't come here.. So leave..

Jack :you are creating sympathy?? (he asked sarcastically)

Alec :Whatever you say…I want him back and who is that new face sitting opposite to him…

Jack :I don't know ask your kitten

Alec :how helpful you are… leave now!!!

Jack :so.. If I leave.. Will your magnus come and sit next to you??? Don't be dramatic buddy

Alec :he will!!!!!! Wait and watch… ( he said pushing Jack away)

jack :you both are dramatic psychopaths (he cursed at alec and left)

Daniel :come on magnus!! We have been great for what?? 10 minutes and your gaze shifts to that corner table more then 10 times… is that your husband???

Magnus nodded in return.. He refuses to look at Daniel right now…

Daniel:your heart wants to go for him and your pain or ego whatever it is, restricting you… if there is a war between heart and mind.. Blindly follow your heart…

Blindly follow your heart… because your mind won't hurt or regret anything later but your heart keeps on pricking that wound again and again… he is the most dangerous person (he said sarcastically).. Go for him

Magnus :I don't want anyone right now.. (he said sternly)

Daniel :look magnus.. I don't know what the problem is between you two.. But do you think he risked his relationship with you to just hurt you… maybe he wanted to do something right and it backfired on him.. It's clear he is trying to get your attention and want you back.. And it's clear you want that too…

Magnus :you talk too much (he said sarcastically)

Daniel :I have to!!! because I am psychologist

(winking at him)

Magnus :I'm sorry, I thought you were a junior..

Daniel :Do I look that young in your eyes…

Magnus shook his head with a smile..

Daniel :go magnus… just try to listen to him when he talks.. Besides, there is always a person waiting to find a gap like a 3rd wheel and your honey bun looks pretty attractive… what????Are you going to sit and watch him from a distance or else I will join him..

He was about to stand but magnus walks a quick step and sat in front of alec

Daniel laughed at him

Alec pressed his lips wide to hold his laughter…

Alec :I thought you were busy with your newbie..

Magnus didn't utter a word.. He just continued with his eating… Being next to Alec is peaceful to him but he doesn't want to accept or admit it…

Throughout the lunch they didn't talk to each other but enjoyed each other's presence…

In the evening Magnus left before alec did… alec felt sad but he didn't want to give up on trying..

When he reaches the loft.. He keeps on knocking the door annoyingly, exactly to irritate Magnus and" the mission starts " he mumbled to himself..

Magnus opens the door without looking at alec, he was about to turn and walk away but alec turned him around and locked him with his arm, around his neck… it's the kind of locks we used to see on wrestling.. He drags him to the bedroom, for Magnus alec is dragging him backward… his face was nearer to alec's face.. He can see alec's smirk… before he enter into the bedroom magnus push Him away and walks towards the living room by cursing alec under his breath

Alec :come on.. We both have been naked so many times in this same room…… fine!!! I will switch to plan B…

Alec was about to take a shower.. He took a towel and smelled something delicious from the kitchen… he walked to the kitchen to see Magnus cooking dinner for both of them.. At Least that's what he thinks because the quantity looks like it's for two…

Alec :hey!!! Smells good… everything is my fav… how sweet you are my sweet husband (he pinch Magnus cheeks but he snapped him away)

Alec held Magnus' chin with a grip and pulled him close for a kiss but Magnus took whatever he got from the kitchen counter right next to his hand..he took something and broke it straight into Alec's head.. Alec withdraw his hand all of sudden

Alec :Seriously egg???? Yaak… okay plan c (he mumbled and ran towards the bathroom holding his head)

Magnus pressed his lips to control his laughter.. But He can't help so he bursts into laughter by closing his mouth….

Alec :"I can hear you "he shouted from shower..

Alec after shower.. He walks towards the dinning table where magnus was eating his dinner already

Alec :my hair look more silkier after your egg and shampoo bath (he said rubbing his head)

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