
One alec reached his loft and swung the door open.." Magnus!!!! Magnus!!!!" he shouted and couldn't find him anywhere.. He saw the guest room was locked from inside… he knocked on the door but there was no response…

Alec :magnus!!!(he knocked again)

Magnus :alec!!! (he heard a sleepy voice on return..)

Alec :open the door… are you alright??? (he rotate the lock again and again)

Magnus eyes snapped open

Magnus :no no!!! Stay there.. I am fine… it's just a fever… you can't come in.. (he said all yawning)

Alec :I will be fine.. Open the door magnus don't be dramatic.. (he bang the Door by pushing it hard)

Magnus :I am not dramatic… you went through enough.. I don't want to make you sick again.. So stay there until I get my results.. (on hearing that Alec rolled his eyes) 

Alec :What about your needs..???

Magnus :I took everything with me so no need for anything I am fine… and don't roll your eyes on me

Alec :What about food?? I know you can't skip meals…

Magnus thought for a second.. "yes!!! but I can survive until I know my results' ' he said lying on my stomach…

Alec shook his head, he knew there was no point in arguing with him… he went back to their bedroom and changed his casuals.. And he refreshed himself… he came back to the living room and sat on the couch… looking for Kira message.. There pops a message from Davina but he swipes it away…

Magnus received a message from Kira as the test result was negative.. Magnus released a brief sigh before he could take another breath.. Alec bangs on the door again…

Magnus :hey!!! Do you want us to search for a plumber.. Stop banging that door..

Alec :I got you some food!! Open the door…

There was no reply from the other side… because Magnus was smiling like an idiot.. This caring person reminds of his Alexander…

Alec :hey!!! I got a message from Kira too.. It's just a seasonal fever, don't do drama.. Open this fucking door….

Magnus :okay.. But maintain 6 feet distance.. You hear Me????

Alec :God!! What are you!???? Fine…. Open..

Instead of being welcomed by magnus, alec was welcomed by a handling end of mopstick..

Alec eyes was widened on seeing magnus…he is kneeling on bed and holding the mopping end of the stick in his hand and extended the handle end towards alec

Magnus :hang that cover on that handle.. I will take it..

Alec :are you coming directly from circus ???? (he asked holding his laughter)

Magnus didn't talk much.. He waved that stick in front of his face.. Alec hangs the cover in it with a smile.. He seriously don't know what to do with the creature like this

Alec :How is your temperature?? Is it fluctuating?? (he asks holding his hands on his back)

Magnus was busy exploring what is inside that bag to eat… he is too hungry.. Because he didn't eat anything in the morning.. "magnus!!!" Alec called for him… 

"mmmmm… I am fine, it's 100 degrees by now.. It keeps reducing, not fluctuating" he said, eating the food with a cover half opened in it .

"don't eat the papers.." Alec laughed and helped him to pull the cover from the packed food.."Thank you '' Magnus said with a mouth full of food… only then magnus noticed alec was sitting next to him… he jumped from the bed along with the food cover, he kept his distance and stood behind the couch..

Magnus :I told you to keep your distance.. (he shouted while coughing a little)

Alec :magnus!!! I will be fine… I am not gonna die because of it (he said casually but he can see Magnus' reaction getting changed on hearing that..)

Magnus :I am full .. Just go.. I want to sleep(he said looking aside because he know how much he lost on keeping him alive… he lost the only happiness he had for himself in his life)

Alec :look!! I am sorry… I said it casually… Why are you getting upset about this??

Magnus :no.. I am not… it's just that I am tired… I want to sleep

Alec looked at him suspiciously but he ignored the thought, he nodded and walked away from the room… "don't lock the door again" he shouted from the living room couch.. Magnus smiled and nodded before leaning on the bed..

After sometimes

Alec tries to sleep in the bedroom but he can't find a comfortable position to sleep. It's like something is missing.. He hugged a pillow and slept for sometimes but not much helping.. He walked towards the guest room where Magnus was sleeping like a kitten all rolled, hugging a pillow, he chuckled and took a blanket, he tugged him under the cover and lay next to him.. He kept some distance from him because he didn't want to disturb him..Magnus is under medication so he is sleeping peacefully..

Alec looks magnus face and smiled when he frown in sleep then and now… 

he touch his cheeks to check for temperature more often… this man infront of him sleeping soundly, like he is sleeping after ages but that's true having alec next to him and keep his distance like a friend is completely destroying that man but he have to be patience …on seeing magnus face, alec doesn't know what makes him calm and comfortable, he drifted into sleep in no time

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