Chapter Sixty-Six

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Daisy Seresin
September - One Year Later

    "This is exciting." Daisy grinned at Poppy. In January of this year, Poppy officially left her contract with Neiman Marcus to begin her line on her own. She had that pretty much before, but this was under her. She was now her own CEO, and ran things how she wanted. She parted on good terms with Neiman, but her line had grown so much it was time for her to be on her own. Daisy was attending a fashion show with Poppy, where her fall/winter line was being shown.

    "And your book is out next month." Poppy said, winking. "We're quite the power sisters."

Daisy had spent the last year working on a book about Logan and her time with him. It was mostly focused on opening up about emotional abuse, staking and recognizing toxic people. She had worked with a psychologist on it, who co-wrote parts of it with her. The book was predicted to be a hit, Daisy's publisher was expecting it to be a bestseller. People were infatuated with Logan and the story of a hockey star turned murderer. It had been hard at first for Daisy to be vulnerable in that way, sharing some of her personal life, but it also felt freeing. She was finally facing and being honest about what she had dealt with, and it helped she'd processed it in therapy last year.

"No one ever stands a chance against the Kazanskys." Daisy agreed and Poppy smiled. She was wearing one of Poppy's dresses, it was a long, beaded wine colored dress. "Book tour at the end of this month. Release in October, and I hope we find a new house by the end of the year."

"I still think you should look in our neighborhood." Poppy told her, glancing at the time. "You guys need at least four bedrooms, and it'll be nice to be close."

Daisy and Jake were hoping to have their last kid in the next year, and with that, came needing to move. They needed more space. "We'll see. Some of it's going to depend on this book deal. Not all of us have a fashion empire." She grinned at her sister, who did a hair flip. They were front row for the show.

"We may start trying soon. Brayden will be three in February, that's a better gap than we did with him and the twins." Poppy told Daisy. "I want another baby, but I really want a girl and I'm worried I'll be disappointed. Which sounds absurd, there's people who can't even have their own kids."

"It's not absurd." Daisy replied, "It's okay to have a preference. It doesn't mean you resent the kid." She smiled a little and Poppy raised an eyebrow.

"What could possibly be funny?" Poppy questioned.

"I just think it's wild still that you have this huge family with your mortal enemy." Daisy answered and Poppy rolled her eyes.

"He's not my mortal enemy. That's his brother. No offense." Poppy responded, and Daisy saw a hint of a smile. She guessed she was probably thinking about Jeremiah. "Our life is hectic. But I love him and wouldn't change a thing. I've always wanted a family and a career with someone who supports both. I just never figured that would be the boy down the street." She added, as the show got underway.

Daisy watched as countless models walked the runaway, until Poppy Couture hit the floor. It looked incredible. Poppy always had an eye for fashion, and had blossomed it into a career. She made it work for her too, balancing her work life and home life. Daisy admired her sister's endurance.

When the show was over, Poppy had a few interviews, then they went to dinner after. Jake and Jeremiah had kept the kids, and when they got back to Poppy's, they found a huge tent in the living room. Daisy looked at her sister then unzipped it. It was one of those massive camping tents that would fit about twelve people.

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