Chapter Twenty

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Daisy Kazansky

    True to his word, Jake had given Daisy the key to his small lockbox before he left. She had seen him off for his flight, which was about twenty hours. She decided to wait to open the box until she knew she could call him. She had gone over to her sister's house, they had been home from their honeymoon, but Daisy hadn't been able to see them until now. Poppy was showing her pictures, and Sebastian brought them both a glass of wine.

    "He's probably landed," Sebastian pointed out. "I'd say you're safe to open it."

    "You're just curious," Daisy told her brother-in-law. "It could be some letter dumping me. That he decided he'd rather pursue the women of Italy," She said and Poppy rolled her eyes.

    "Please. You know how I feel about him and even I know that's not true." Poppy replied, "Just open it. Then you can go call him if you feel necessary. I am pretty sure Sebastian is going to burst at the seams if he doesn't know." She glanced at her husband who didn't deny it. Sometimes Sebastian felt like one of the girls, he had always gossiped with them.

    Daisy moved the box into her lap and took the key Jake had given her. "Is this crazy? To do the long distance thing?" She asked them.

    "Isn't that what you convinced us you had done before?" Sebastian reminded her. "I think it can work in some cases. It feels likely here." He sat down next to his wife.

    Daisy groaned when Sebastian reminded her about her fake dating. "Yes, my lie stated that. But that was before I knew how much it actually sucked." She answered. "Okay. Here we go. If it's a body part, you need to dispose of it, Sebastian." She told him.

    "Why me?" Sebastian asked and Poppy nodded in agreement. "And what is it with you two and severed body parts?"

    "Because we aren't implicating ourselves in Jake Seresin's crimes." Poppy answered. "Now seriously, open the box. Or I will." She added, looking back at Daisy. She sipped her wine and waved her hand.

    Daisy put the small key into the box, and heard the lock click. She opened the lid, feeling unusually nervous. She had absolutely no idea what would be inside. She saw a robin's egg blue box inside and lifted it up. She looked at her sister, who looked practically giddy and not particularly surprised. Daisy opened the box and gasped.

    "What the fuck!" Daisy exclaimed. "What the fuck! I am going to kill him."

    "That's not exactly how I imagined you reacting to this," Poppy said, "Or anyone woman." She added, more to herself. "Do you not like it? I helped him with it."

    "It's not that, I literally threw myself at him to marry him and he had this sitting in his closet!" Daisy answered. She looked back at the ring in the box, it sparkling back at her. It was the classic Tiffany setting in silver. She wasn't good at judging diamond size, but it was definitely hard to miss. Not gaudy like her sister's, but it wasn't small either. "I'm going to go call him" She chugged the last of her wine and got up to go to another room.

"Did she not like it?" Sebastian asked and Daisy heard her sister mumble something in response to Sebastian missing the point.

    Daisy hit Jake's number, hoping he had landed by now. He should have, but she wasn't sure if he was where he could talk or not. Just before she was about to hang up, the line answered.

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