Chapter Sixty

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Daisy Seresin
Six Months Later

    After her birthday, Daisy had been informed of Logan lurking around her old office. She was concerned initially, but just followed the security measures at the new office. It wasn't much different than what they already had, but it never hurt to increase your security. Nothing ever came of it though, as far as she knew, Logan was abiding by his parole guidelines. They ended up opening the third branch in October, which had eased some of the load at the San Diego office for Daisy. She still enjoyed her job, but felt like she wasn't challenged in some ways anymore there. There was no shortage of media to write about, but Daisy wondered sometimes if she wanted something new. It felt selfish after working her way up the way she had here.

    At the end of October, she and Jake had started trying for another baby and hadn't had much luck. She knew it could take time, she just expected it to be quick. Her Dad had a bit of a decline toward the end of last year, just a lot weaker in some ways. Jake wondered if stress was playing a role with conceiving, but Daisy wasn't sure. Jake had also been under a bit of stress himself at work, they'd had some shake ups with change in personnel on base.

    "Just toss it, I'm over it." Daisy told Jake. She was sitting on their bathroom counter, still in her work clothes. She was referring to the pregnancy test sitting on the other end of the counter that she had a timer on for. "I feel defective."

    "Dais, you're not defective." Jake replied, walking over to her. He was standing in front of her, almost eye level with her on the counter. "It could be either of us. Or just taking a while."

    "I feel like it's me. I'm the one trying to get pregnant, it's my body rejecting it." Daisy said, "Meanwhile, my sister can look at your brother's pants and get pregnant." She paused. "It's been almost five months." She knew statistically it took most people six months, about 80% of couples.

    "And it took, what, four for Lily?" Jake reminded her. "If we're one and done, that's okay. Or we can give it another month and then see a doctor if you want." He brushed her cheek with his hand. "This is not your fault. We need to be patient." He paused. "Besides, at least we have fun trying." He flashed her a grin, and Daisy smiled a little. 

    Daisy glanced at the baby monitor she had beside her. Lily had turned two last month and was in her play pen. She was almost too big for it, but she was minding her business with her toys. They had stepped into the bathroom for Daisy to take what felt like her thousandth pregnancy test since the end of October. It was now the beginning of February. "I know. But I want another baby." She replied. She was obviously thankful to have one, happy and healthy child, but wanted to expand their family.

    Jake kissed her forehead. "I know." He told her softly.

    They both looked up whenever the timer on Daisy's phone went off. Daisy sighed, turning back at Jake. "You look. I'm burnt out with seeing minus signs and every other variations of ways for those dumb little sticks to tell me I am not pregnant." She said to Jake.

    Jake walked over to the test that she had laid on the counter. She had put it away from her, not wanting to watch it while it processed. It was a pretty quick one, but she still hadn't wanted to stare at it. When Jake didn't say anything, Daisy looked over at him. She thought she saw some emotion pass over his face, but she couldn't tell what it was.

    "I'm sorry, Dais." Jake said, looking back up at her.

    Daisy felt stupid, but her eyes glassed over. She put her face in her hands and sighed again. She didn't understand why this kept happening. You wouldn't think it was that hard.

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