Chapter Fifty-Three

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Jake Seresin

"Commander Seresin,"

    Jake turned around to find Cyclone standing behind him. He was on his way to finish up a couple of things before he left. He and Daisy were going to the parole hearing. Daisy had finally admitted some nerves and was anxious about going. She did not want to miss it though, and they were going together. Jake had wanted to try to take the full day, but it wasn't possible right now. He had a current Top Gun class, and there was still some debriefing going on from the mission six weeks ago.

    "Yes, sir?" Jake asked.

    "I've found a few discrepancies in your report from the mission." Cyclone said, eying Jake. "I'd like you to read over it again and make any corrections you deem necessary."

    Jake looked at Cyclone, and could feel the admiral sizing him up. He suspected that Cyclone knew there was a hole in the story, but Jake had stuck to what Maverick had told him to write. He glanced down at the file that Cyclone was holding and Jake took it from him. "Everything is already there and correct. I don't make mistakes." Jake stated.

    "Double check it." Cyclone said, "Your father-in-law won't always be around to bail you out, you know." He added, in a lower voice with a warning tone.

    "Good thing he doesn't bail me out, sir." Jake responded, not wavering.

    "I'm watching you, Seresin." Cyclone warned as Jake began to walk away after he was given a look of dismissal. "It'd be a shame if your brother found himself stationed elsewhere." He added. Jake had no doubt that was a threat.

    Jake refrained from saying I'm watching you, Wazowski, always watching you, but he doubted Cyclone would get the reference. He took the file with him to the study hall on base that the Top Gun students from his course were currently in. They had some written assignments today, which worked out since Jake was leaving earlier. He nodded to Rooster from the door to meet him in the hallway.

    "Admiral Simpson wants a review and rewrite of this." Jake said, holding up the file. "Has he approached you or Phoenix at all?"

    Rooster shook his head. "No." He answered. "But I am sure it's coming." He raised his eyebrows. "Think he suspects anything?" He asked Jake.

    "He made the remark that my father-in-law won't always be here to bail me out." Jake replied, and Rooster blew out a breath. "He threatened to move Jere from here with orders."

    Rooster glanced around. "I'd talk to Ice. I know you're not about favors but at least so he knows." He told Jake. "I know you don't want Jere gone, but coming clean would probably mean discharge. And not just for you, Mav covered. We all did."

    "Jeremiah getting relocated sucks too because of Poppy. She's not going to want to move, not with their Dad sick. And that means my brother won't get to see his kids." Jake explained. Neither scenario was good. He knew Poppy wouldn't do that to punish Jere or be selfish, but she had obligations here right now. They weren't married either, which got tricky if Jeremiah got orders. He sighed. "I'll talk to him. I can't believe I am being fucking blackmailed by an admiral."

    "It is blackmail." Rooster agreed. "I'll talk to Phoenix, but she hasn't said anything about being approached. And stick to the story. I am sure it'll blow over, especially if Iceman is aware. Want me to talk to Mav?"

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